Interuption (15)

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Before I get on with this AN,

A FREAKING 1.06K READS!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!! I saw the number and just did a happy dance. I want to thank all of you, because without you none of this would be possible. I love you guys!!!! In honor of reaching (slightly) over 1K reads, I am going to update twice in one day. Oh yeah. I said that. And also for all you Batman fans my Bat fanfic is now out. YAY!! :) So if you read it and left a comment I would be overwhelmed with happiness. I only have the prologue done so it hasn't really started yet, but hey! It's in progress and that's all that matters. I again want to thank you guys for all the reads!!! You guys brightened my day when I saw the number of views. Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you sooooo much!!!!!

May 28th, 3:39PM

Bruce Banner looked over at the empty seat that was meant for a certain Asgardian. He wondered how they were ever going to contact Thor. If they would ever be able to contact Thor. "Is anyone aware of Thor's where-abouts?" And within a blink of an eye the door was slammed open. There stood a man with shoulder length blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a extremely ticked off expression. No one spoke. No one moved. Thor sat down in the empty chair and said, "Nice of you to invite me."

"We weren't sure how to," Fury gruffly replied.

The two tried stared each other down before Coulsen cleared his throat and asked the Asgardian, "So, how long have you been back?"

"I have been back for almost a full year," Thor growled, "Why haven't I heard from you?"

"We didn't know you were on Earth," Coulsen explained, "if you would have dropped by then-"

"We're just glad to see you." Interrupted Tony. "You know, still in one piece. Did you leave your hammer at home?" Thor just glared in response.

"What is going on?" Thor asked everyone around the table, "Why are you all meeting here?"

"We were discussing the Files." Natasha Romanoff said. "You dropped in just in time."

"What are the Files?" Steve Rodgers and Tony Stark said in unison. "Jinx's," Tony joked.

"The files are why that girl is here," Clint Barton looked up at everyone while he said this.

"What girl?!?" Steve and Tony said again in unison. The two looked at another before turning their attention back to the S.H.I.E.L.D director and the man on his left.

"What are we even talking about?" Bruce questioned.

The Avengers all began talking at once, the noise so loud Nick Fury thought the residents of China could here them.

"WOULD YOU ALL JUST SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!?!" Fury yelled over all of them. The six adults all stopped speaking and looked to the man with an eye patch. But one of them stayed standing and yelled out all the anger that was boiling up inside of him.


"Please have a seat Captain." Coulsen replied calmly. The Captain sat down with stormy eyes.

"Now since you asked," Fury stated while pulling down a screen located in front of the room. Images of multiple young children projected on the screen. "These are the Next Generation Files. A number of children ranging from the ages 6-18 with super human powers and abilities. S.H.I.E.L.D has been keeping tabs on each of them for a 'x' amount of time. Unfortunately," Fury paused and looked at the Avengers sitting in front of him. "One of the digital copies was stolen last week by Hydra."

Fury watched as Steve winced at the name of Hydra. He clicked the button on the remote he was holding into and the image on the screen changed to a young dark haired girl.

"We lost all the children's locations," Fury continued, "but earlier this week we found one of the files. Zoë Rena Lee, grandchild of scientist Dr. Stan Lee, was recovered this week after a middle aged man came into her school and shot students at random. She, well to put it bluntly, kicked his butt and got some unwanted attention along with S.H.I.E.L.D's. We picked her up and brought her here."

"Without telling any of us?" Interrupted Tony, who was eating a bag of dried blueberries. Fury glared at him before moving on with the speech.

"I want her to stay here hidden from the public. I need all of you to act as mentors to her and help her become a worthy hero."

"So you want is to put our lives on hold so we can babysit a bratty teenager?" Asked Tony.

"That's not what I said....." Fury growled.

"What can this kid even do?" asked Bruce, getting head nods from Thor and a glance from Steve.

Coulsen cleared his throat and turned around to look at the screen behind him. "Zoë has the ability to create force fields, turn invisible, and has the power of telepathy."

"That's very unnatural." Thor pointed out.

"We noticed," Clint muttered.

"This is getting very off topic," Natasha stated. "Why do you think this is a good idea Nick? What of she ends up being a complete disgrace? what of she can't do what is required of her? What if Hydra gets her and does terrible thugs to her?"

The everyone speaking at once thing started up again when the door opened up and a body tumbled into the meeting room. Everyone stopped talking to looked over at the girl who had just interrupted the meeting. Zoë stood up and ran a hand through her hair.

"Ummm, hi?"

"Thank you for the interruption." Fury said in a monotone. Coulsen laughed and the Avengers all looked at each other thinking the same exact thing. Great.

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