Chapter 8 ❥ The Toko Fukawa Protection Squad

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Toko would happily walk out of her classroom after the second period. With a big, goofy grin on her face, she'd quietly hum to herself when Komaru and Peko step in front of her. Both of them would be looking at her suspiciously. It would take a while before Toko would notice and look up at them, "O-Oh! Good morning, girls!" 

Komaru would raise an eyebrow, hands on her hips, "You're in a good mood." Peko would join in, crossing her arms, "Did anything happen?" Toko would blush and scratch the back of her head, "N-Not really, n-no!" Komaru would pout, "Oh, come on, Toko! We SAW you with Mr. Rich Richard guy!" Toko would make a confused expression, "Mr. Rich R-Richard g-guy?"

Komaru would start to shout when Peko stops her, sighing, "Komaru means we saw you walking with Togami this morning." Komaru pouts and calms herself down, "Y-Yeah, s-so! What is up with that? Huh? HUH?!" Toko would immediately be speechless, sweating nervously. "Indeed, Toko. I thought we agreed you wouldn't interact with Togami anymore. After all that he's done to you."

Toko would wave her hands around, thinking of some sort of excuse, "N-No, I k-know! You g-girls got it all w-wrong! W-We were discussing a p-project that we were g-grouped in! Then I-I s-slept over at his house to work on it! That's a-all!"

"YOU SLEPT OVER AT HIS HOUSEEE?!" Komaru would yell angrily, Peko no longer being able to contain her. The rest of the people down the hall would stare at them, weirded out. 

'Ack, I-I worded it wrong!' Toko would think, mortified. 

"Komaru, please, calm down! It was just for a project," Peko would grab Komaru, rubbing her back comfortably. 

Komaru would take a deep breath, "Okay, okay, fine! It's fine! I'm fine, BUT! Once that project is over, you better stop talking to him!" Toko would tilt her head, still confused, "I-I don't understand why y-you want m-me away from T-Togami s-so much!" 

Komaru would let go from Peko's grasp to put her hands on Toko's shoulders. She looks Toko in the eye, "Look, you're my best friend, Toko. I don't mean to be possessive, but I don't want you to be hurt either. The last thing I need is for you to disappear from school without a trace for two weeks again! Who's going to eat lunch with me?"

"I can eat lunch with you," Peko pointed out.

"Well, DUH! That's beside the point, Peko!" Komaru would say bluntly, with Peko nodding, dumbfounded expression. 

Toko would smile awkwardly, slowly grabbing Komaru's wrists off her shoulders, "I appreciate you, Komaru, and thank you so much. But it's really nothing."

 Komaru would sigh exhaustingly before hugging Toko. Peko would join in on the hug too. Toko would smile bigger and hug them back. However, Komaru and Peko would look at each other, nodding determinedly. 


The whole school day, Toko couldn't help but notice that all the times she hung out with Byakuya were cut short by something utterly random. However, little did she know it was because they were sabotages planned by Komaru and Peko in the motive to protect Toko from any potential harm. 

At lunch, Byakuya would try to offer Toko some food. Earlier in the morning, she forgot to bring the food Byakuya's maid prepared for her. So, she sat helplessly with Komaru and Peko, eating the scraps they gave her. As Komaru and Peko menacingly looked at Byakuya walk over to their table, the Warriors of Hope would suddenly snatch Byakuya's food and run away. Komaru would smirk. After all, she did pay them to do that (pay them with Byakuya's lunch, of course). As Byakuya would chase them, Komaru and Peko would offer the rest of their lunches to Toko.

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