Chapter 5 ❥ Fake It Till You Make It

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Toko, Peko, and Komaru conversed away in the hallway during their first recess. As they chatted, something caught their eye. "What's going on over there?" Komaru pointed at the large crowd down the aisle. Toko felt her head in distress, "Ugh, it's s-so early in the morning. I don't have time for a-all this commotion." 

Komaru gasped at Toko, "Toko, your stuttering is getting better! You almost sound normal!" Toko glared at Komaru, "What? Did I-I sound like some freak b-before?" Komaru gesticulated her hands, "No, that's not what I meant!" Toko rolled her eyes and focused them back at the crowd, "Anyways, I j-just want to know what's going on over there."  

Peko patted Toko on the shoulder, "No worries, Toko. I will go check." She walked down the hall and over to the crowd as Toko and Komaru looked at her, then at each other, and shrugged. A few minutes later, Peko came back. "So, what's happening?" Komaru asked. "The student council is selling tickets for prom," Peko responded.

"Prom? I thought those were only in America and Canada!" Komaru's eyes sparkled with delight.

"Well, yes. However, the student council wanted to switch it up this year." 

Toko looked in horror as Komaru realized something. She suddenly made a disappointed look, "Oh, dang! I can't go since I'm a freshman. I hope they'll host another prom when I'm an upperclassman," Komaru sighed. A couple of seconds later, Komaru looked up at Peko and Toko, "Looks like you two will have to go without me." Toko scoffed, "Who said I was going?"

Komaru and even Peko looked shocked at Toko's response. "You're not going to the prom?" Peko said. "Yeah, are you nuts or something?" Komaru gasped. Toko raised an eyebrow, "Is that not normal?" 

"Toko, not only may this boost your self-esteem, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Literally! I'd say it's even a 0.5-in-a-lifetime opportunity because Japanese high schools don't have proms or even dances! Once it passes, you never get that chance again! You can't just say no to prom!" Komaru raised her voice a little too loudly, almost catching the attention of everybody around them. 

Toko had remorse all over her face. She didn't want to let her friends down. She slumped her shoulders in defeat, "Hmph, fine... I'll think about it." Komaru clasped her hands, "Not the reaction I wanted, but good enough!" Toko sighed, feeling a bit uneasy. She wondered if she was the only one who felt an elephant. 


Now it was class time. The only thing Toko could hear from her classmates was prom. 'I guess they're excited,' Toko thought. "What about you, Toko? Are you going to prom?"

Toko's eyes immediately shot up. Aoi had asked her the question. Aoi, Sakura, and Sayaka were staring at her. 

"Of course, she's going to prom! She wouldn't miss it for the world," Sayaka thought momentarily. "Well, maybe she would've before, but not anymore!" Sayaka answered for Toko. 

Aoi put an index finger to her lip and thought, "Hmmm, yeah, I guess you're right!" 

Sakura nodded, "But let's at least hear it from Toko." 

Then, Aoi, Sakura, and Sayaka all looked at Toko again.

"Oh... yeah! I'm going," Toko said awkwardly, "As Sayaka said, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Sayaka smiled in delight, "See! I knew it," she'd say to Aoi and Sakura. Then she turned back to Toko, "Maybe we should buy prom dresses together!" 

Toko shrugged, "Well, maybe..." 

"Toko, are you okay?" Sakura asked, noticing that Toko looked a bit distressed.

Toko plastered a fake smile and lied, "Yeah, I'm fine... It's just I feel a little tired. You see, I didn't get enough sleep last night. I was too busy, um, writing."    

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