Chapter 9 ❥ Care for Two?

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"W-What?" Toko asked with a confused expression.

It was the weekend, and the trio decided to hang out at Peko's house. They were sitting by the kotatsu, having McDonald's for lunch. Komaru took a big bite out of her burger, speaking between chews, "Is asking for your favorite dessert a weird question?"

"No, it's just that... I-I thought y-you would already know," Toko said shyly.

Komaru blushed with embarrassment, "Oh, of course, I know! I'm just asking for Peko," Komaru would turn, looking at Peko, "Right, Peko?"

Peko would look at Komaru, then at Toko, "Indeed, I wanted to know your favorite dessert. I believe you've never told me."

Toko would look at Peko and Komaru with an awkward sweat. "Y-You guys are making a big deal out of n-nothing," Toko would look off to the side, "but anything, really, as long as it's not d-donuts."

"That's so vague!" Komaru whined.

"I get a feeling that that's targeted at someone," Peko quietly thought to herself, thinking of Aoi Asahina at that moment.

"Well, sorry, but I-I don't think about food t-that much!" Toko raises her voice a little, then mutters, "...but I guess any desserts that taste good with tea."

"You could've just said that in the first place!" Komaru pouted, then turned to Peko, "Peko, list all the desserts that taste good with tea."

"On it," Peko grabbed her notepad and pen, starting to write.

"Wait, why do you guys need to know this?" Toko raised an eyebrow, head slightly tilting to the side.

Komaru made a nervous expression as she flailed her arms, "Oh, well-"

"Uh, Komaru, Toko, Makoto's here to pick you up," Fuyuhiko walked inside the room, pointing outside the bedroom door.

Komaru slammed her hands on the table as she stood up, "Wait, what? Already? I didn't even finish my food! Hang on a second," Komaru would kneel back down, scarfing her burger, fries, and soda.

"You could've just brought it home with you, but, that works too, I guess," Fuyuhiko glared at Komaru, amazed.

Komaru and Toko would stand up after packing all their stuff up.

"I'll escort you guys to the door," Peko said as she stood up. They proceeded to walk out of Peko's room and to the front door. As they made it, Komaru turned around to Peko.

"This was so much fun, Peko! Thank you so much for inviting us! We should do this more often," Komaru cheered as she hugged Peko. Komaru turns to Toko, tilting her head forward, signaling Toko to join in. Toko hesitantly joins in on the hug. Fuyuhiko looks away awkwardly.

Peko smiles, "It's always my pleasure, and you can stop by anytime." As they break the hug, Toko says, "Have a nice day, Peko."

Peko nods and waves as she and Fuyuhiko watches Toko and Komaru's car drive away.

Fuyuhiko turned to Peko, saying, "Peko, do-"

Peko sighs, lowering her head, "Don't worry, young master. I'll clean up."

As Peko walked back to her room, Fuyuhiko stared at her longingly.


As the school bell rang for first recess, Toko walked up to her usual meet-up spot, surprised. Peko and Komaru weren't there, and they were ALWAYS there first.

Toko was immediately suspicious, raising an eyebrow. She sighed as she thought, 'Oh my, what are they doing this time?'

Throughout the day, Toko could tell that Komaru and Peko were blatantly avoiding her. Whenever she thought she was close to approaching them, something would always happen, and they would disappear in a flash. Toko was incredibly confused and a little hurt, too. Were they ignoring her?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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