Chapter 6 (Part 2) ❥ Seconds

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Toko had slept over at Byakuya's house. She had trouble suppressing the idea of exploring his whole house and sniffing his belongings. Surprisingly, she managed not to. So Byakuya had taken her to his family library. Toko was impressed at how big the Togami library was, but it was expected from such a sophisticated family. So, Toko and Byakuya spent the rest of the afternoon reading books while drinking green tea and eating wagashi. 

During their reading session, they had to go to the dining room for dinner. As expected, the food was scrumptious; it was French food. After the day ended, Toko had so many ideas for the book she was writing. However, night had fallen, and Toko was sent to her guest bedroom. 

'I can't sleep...' Toko thought as she laid in her bed. Even though it was so fluffy and soft, it couldn't help her fall asleep. 'I really want to write in my book right now, but I don't have my typewriter with me,' Toko thought again. She put the back of her hand atop her forehead. Toko then sat up from her bed. As she looked around the room, she noticed a notepad & pen was lying on her desk.

'Hm... maybe instead of writing, I could write my story ideas on there! Then at least they're saved. I'm sure Togami won't mind if I use them,' Toko thought as she got up from her bed and sat at the desk's chair. She then grabbed the pen and start jotting down her ideas on the notepad. 

Time had passed, and by the time Toko ran out of ideas, it was midnight. She looked up from her desk and at the time. 'Oh, man... I thought this would help me get sleepy, but I'm more awake.' Toko set aside her notepad & pen. 

'I wonder if Togami is awake,' Toko thought, and couldn't help but check on him. She got up from her chair. Toko stretched before she quietly went out of her room. 

The house was dark with dim lights to guide Toko to Byakuya's room. She didn't know where his room was, so she had to look for it in a literal maze called a house. Toko was determined. She made sure to be extra silent, so she won't disturb anybody. Eventually, she found his room. 

The door to his room was slightly open, so when she peeked inside, that's how she knew it was his room. He wasn't sleeping either. Instead, the doors leading to his very own balcony were open, letting small gusts of wind inside. Byakuya stood outside, watching the moon. The moonlight glistened on his blue eyes. The whole scene was aesthetic. Toko felt like she had to go to him. So she invited herself into his room. 

Soon, Toko stood behind him. Byakuya smirked then scoffed, "So you found my room, huh? Not surprised." He turned around to look at Toko. He wasn't wearing his glasses. 

"Don't you know it's rude to not knock?" Byakuya scolded her.

Toko poked her index fingers together and looked down at the floor, "Sorry, I just wanted to know why you're still awake. I kind of figured you had a curfew or something." 

Byakuya raised an eyebrow, "I should be asking you the same thing." 

Toko eyes shot up, "Oh, well, I'm kind of sleep-deprived." 

There was a brief moment of silence before Toko broke it, "...Your turn."

Byakuya said honestly, "I'm too busy thinking about you."

Toko blushed, "Huh?"

Byakuya looked sternly into Toko's eyes, "You never told me why you cried those two times or that first time where you were missing for two weeks. It would be doing me a favor if you could tell me the reason, so I could try and help you."

Toko was still confused about why he was doing all of this. Intimidated by his intense gaze, she mustered up the courage to say "I wish I could tell you, but I can't."

Byakuya sighed, "I was expecting you'd say that." He then knelt to Toko's height, "Look, Fukawa. As I said earlier, you don't have to face this alone."

"It's none of your business," Toko couldn't believe what she said to Byakuya. 

Byakuya knitted his eyebrows, clearly impatient. "Fine," he'd say as he walked past Toko and back into his room. 

Toko felt bad about what she said and ran after him. "Wait, Togami! I'm sorry." 

Byakuya stays quiet, not looking back at her. 

"I want to tell you, but I'm... I'm... I'm not-" Toko struggled with her words again, until Byakuya interrupted her.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't force you to tell me," Byakuya would say as he turned around to look at her. 

He'd hesitate before running his hand through her hair, "I just wanted to inform you that I'm here to listen whenever you're ready to do so. If it makes you more comfortable, you could even tell your friends. Just don't take forever to reach out to someone." 

 Toko blushed as her forehead started to heat up. She made a goofy smile and could barely sound normal as she said "O-Okay..." 

"You know, Fukawa," Byakuya would say an unfinished sentence because he'd look at Toko while he said it.

Toko had fallen asleep. He had petted her head for too long that it made her fall asleep. She would fall on Byakuya as he'd barely catch her in his arms. 

'She literally acts like pet,' Byakuya thought, shaking his head. He'd carry her bridal-style to his bed, and lay her body on it. Then Byakuya would tuck her into the blankets and let her rest.

He'd get the chair from his desk and move it next to the bed. Byakuya would sit in it and intently watch Toko sleep. 

"You're a nuisance," Byakuya said to her, fully aware that it wouldn't wake her up. 

Byakuya would close his eyes and smile. He'd lean forward on the chair, using his arms to support his chin (with his elbows pressed against his knees). 

"but that's what I like about you."

Byakuya would fall asleep shortly after Toko fell asleep. Somehow he managed to sleep in that stiff position.

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