Chapter 3 ❥ Glass Heart

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Toko sat at her computer desk and typed out a story on her antique typewriter. Days had passed after befriending Peko and Toko was inspired. She decided she was going to turn the story into a book once she was done. 

Just as she finished the first chapter, she heard a knock on the door. 'Huh? Who could that be?' Toko thought as she walked to the door. To her surprise, it was Komaru and Peko. They went straight to her dorm after school. "O-Omaru? P-Peko? What are y-you guys doing here?" Toko shook her head "W-Wait since when were y-you guys friends?" 

Peko explained, "Well, I was planning to visit you and coincidentally, so was Komaru. We introduced each other then conversed about it and decided to-" 

"You have no room to talk!" Komaru pouted. "I didn't know you and Peko were friends!" Toko sweated "A-Ah, yeah... We haven't been f-friends for long t-though." Peko added on, "Indeed. Toko was on her way somewhere when she got assaulted by a mugger, but I saved her and met her there." Toko looked in horror as she didn't want Peko to tell Komaru that.

 "Ah, no wonder your hair is uneven. I thought some of it fell out from stress." Komaru said, emotionless. A couple of seconds later, Komaru's veins were appearing on her forehead, "Wait, Toko, you were assaulted and you didn't even tell me? I was worried sick about you!" 

Komaru cried, "I see, you were absent for so long because you were tired of average old me and replaced me with this more beautiful, more sophisticated being named Peko!" Peko covered her mouth and blushed lightly "I wouldn't say that-"

"Omaru, d-don't jump to c-conclusions! That's n-not why I-I was absent f-from school!" Toko argued. "It's Komaru, Toko! KOMARU! You can't even say my name right!" Komaru sobbed like a baby. "A-Ah, sorry, Oma-KOMARU!"

Since this useless argument was going nowhere, Peko decided to step in, "Toko's right, Komaru. You're not the reason she was absent for so long." Komaru looked at Peko and then Toko, confused. 

"W-Why don't y-you guys come inside?"

They all went to Toko's room, sitting on her rug. Toko explained everything. How she tried to change for Byakuya and sought advice from Junko, only to get verbally bullied by her. How she gave up her feelings for Byakuya. How not wanting to see Byakuya caused her to be absent from school for two weeks. How she got mugged and assaulted but saved by her newfound friend, Peko.

"Wow..." Komaru said in remorse. "I'm sorry that happened," her voice would crack. However, Makoto had randomly appeared in Komaru's head, so she decided to be like him by looking at the bright side. Komaru rubbed her eyes. "But hey, this is not so bad."

Toko was shocked "H-HUH?! Are y-you insane?!" Komaru put her hand atop her chest, "I will turn Junko's words into something a lot nicer," then she took a deep breath "Toko, I notice you don't give yourself the credit you deserve. Always respect yourself, no matter what." Toko looked confused, but Peko was nodding in agreement. 

"Indeed, Toko. I think that you should continue fixing your flaws and becoming a better person. Not to make Byakuya love you, but to make you love you. Just let go of him. This could help you a lot." Komaru cheered with words of encouragement "Yeah! Don't let Junko's mean words get to you. If you accept what she said, then you'll only be doing her a favor by falling into despair. So, just switch it up!"

Toko could feel water dripping from her eyes, they were tears of joy. "Wow, K-Komaru. For once y-you sound more mature than m-me." Komaru pouted "Hey! I'm trying to be nice here and this is how you treat me?" Toko giggled, "N-Nevermind. I-I take it back." She looked over at Peko, who was smiling as well. Toko sighed deeply, "A-Ah, you guys are s-such a handful. W-What will I ever d-do without y-you?" she looked at both of them "I guess y-you're right and I-I don't think I have m-much of a choice." 

Peko and Komaru nodded, "That's right, you don't." Komaru dug through her backpack and carefully but dramatically took out her computer, "Alright, let's see what the internet has to offer on makeover transformation tutorials!" Toko widened her eyes and gasped, "Wait, what?!"

Before Toko's eyes, the trio was having a shopping montage at a mall. Since it was for Toko, Komaru and Peko did the paying. Sure, Peko and Komaru bought some things for themselves, but the majority was for Toko. Toko was not sure about all of this, almost feeling bad for all the accessories, cosmetics, and fragrances they bought her. They even got her uniform washed and tailored.

Reaching towards the end of the shopping montage, they cut Toko's hair since it looked wacky. Her hair became the same length as Angie's hair, long but healthy. They topped the shopping montage with a spa day. 

As they walked down the sidewalk towards Toko's home, Komaru stretched her arms "Now that's what I call a girls' night out!" Peko put her index finger to her lip and wondered "I think we didn't do our homework for today." Komaru puts her arms down "Bah, who cares? Toko hasn't done any school work for two weeks!" Toko laughed nervously just realizing that. "Let's just do it when we get to Toko's." 

When they got inside, Komaru realized "Oh my gosh, I forgot I brought you some bento!" as she saw the plastic bag on the kitchen counter. Toko knitted her eyebrows and joked "What? A bento? Now that's basic." Komaru's face turned red, "Shut up!"

As Komaru reheated the bento, Peko walked over to Toko. "Komaru and I have a surprise for you, Toko." Toko slightly tilted her head "Huh? Hasn't t-there been e-enough surprises today?" Komaru took at the warm bento, placed it in Toko's arms, and said "Nope, not really. Peko, do the honors," Peko took out an eye contact set from one of the shopping bags.

"Oh my- you g-guys bought me eye contacts? H-How did you know m-my grade?" Toko almost dropped the bento but Peko caught it in time and handed it back to her. Komaru shrugged it off like it was nothing "We're your friends; we have our ways!"

"We think this will take a big step in bringing up your self-esteem," Peko said. Toko took off her glasses and stared at them "But g-glasses are t-the only s-similarity T-Togami and I-I share..." Komaru groaned angrily "Toko, seriously? The whole point about this is to get over Byakuya and become a better version of yourself!"

Komaru was right. Toko didn't want to disappoint them after they just started. She sighed sadly, "You're right... Komaru," Toko clenched her glasses so hard that they broke in half and shattered into a million glass shards on the ground. "Let's go put on these contacts and eat dinner," Toko said confidently as she shoved some food of Komaru's bento in her mouth. 


Midnight had fallen and Komaru and Peko had already gone home. Toko went down the stairs and walked over to the broken bits on the floor that were once her glasses. She had forgotten to clean them up. Toko gathered all the remains and tried her best to put the pieces all together before putting them into a container. Then, she hid it somewhere safe in her room. Toko said under her breath, "I'm sorry Komaru and Peko, but I still love Togami. Maybe just a little while longer." Toko walked over to her antique typewriter and began writing the second chapter, which introduced a new character, the protagonist's crush and lover. 

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