Chapter 7 ❥ Partners in a "Car Crash"

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As Toko woke up, her eyes were immediately irritated because she forgot to take off her contacts before she went to sleep. She groaned and rubbed them with her fists until she heard Byakuya call out to her. 

"I see you've woken up," Byakuya would say. He was sitting at his desk across from his bed (where Toko was sleeping), sipping a cup of his morning tea. It seems that he's already ready for school, as he has a clean appearance and his uniform on.  

"Ah, Togami!" Toko would blush, then look down, realizing she slept in his room. "Did we..?"  

Byakuya would nearly spit his tea as soon as she said that. He would blush profusely and raise his voice at Toko, "No, you perverted fool!" 

Toko would giggle in response, palm to her mouth "Sorry!"

Byakuya would groan and push his glasses back to the bridge of his nose. "Anyways, Toko. We need to get ready for school." 

Toko's eyes would widen with realization, "Oh, you're right! What time is it?" She panicked while looking around the room. 

Byakuya turns around to check the clock behind them while saying "Don't worry, Fukawa. We still have- um- 30 minutes until school starts." He calmly sips his tea again.


Usually, Toko wouldn't care if she missed school, but she already missed school for two weeks unexcused that any more unexcused absences would get her in trouble.

Toko darts out of Byakuya's bedroom while he continues to drink his tea. Byakuya could hear Toko's loud footsteps as she struggled to find the guest bedroom. Toko would be running all over the house while the servants chased her because she was disrupting the house. Somehow, Toko managed to take a shower, iron her uniform, and pack her school bag in under 25 minutes. 

Toko went back into Byakuya's room and shoved all the food his servants prepared in her mouth. Byakuya glares at her like she's some pig. Toko looks back at him, talking between chews, "What? I have to eat fast!" She looks at the clock and sinks her shoulders, horrified. 

School already started. Toko cried, "Oh no... we're late! I'm going to be in so much trouble!" Byakuya sighed as he placed down his empty teacup, "Fukawa, don't be so-" 

He looked at Toko and realized her eyes were getting watery. Byakuya looked at her pitifully before calling the school. Toko looked at Byakuya, confused. 

"Is this Hope's Peak Academy? Yes, I just wanted to inform you that Toko and I will be late for school. We got into a car crash on our way to the school," Byakuya lied. Toko realizes it's easy for Byakuya to get out of these kinds of situations because he's the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. She widens her eyes and whisper-shouts to Byakuya, "Togami! Don't lie to-" but Byakuya puts his index fingers to her lips to make her quiet. Toko blushes in response. Byakuya nods, "Thank you. We'll be there as soon as possible." 

Byakuya ends the call and looks at Toko. "We're no longer late, but we still have to get there right now." Toko stays silent, bangs shadowing her eyes. Byakuya raises an eyebrow, "Fukawa?" Then he realizes that she's blushing because he's covering her mouth. He blushes back and quickly swats his hand off her. Toko looks up at him and giggles like a little girl. 

She scratches the back of her head awkwardly, "So, T-Togami, I-I guess w-we should get going now?" Byakuya shakes his head, "Hold on first."

Toko looks confused as he walks over to his drawer and grabs some bandaids and bandages. "What do we need that for?" said Toko, curious. 

As Byakuya puts a bandaid on his face, he explains "I told the school we got into a small car crash, so we need to look like we got a little bit hurt. Here, put some on." Toko rolls her eyes but obliges anyway. 

After they finish, Byakuya looks at him and Toko for a bit. Toko impatiently says "What are w-we w-waiting for? W-We don't got all d-day!"

"Something's missing," said Byakuya. He looks inside his teacup, "Hm, there's still some left." Byakuya pours some of the tea on their bandages. He puts it back in place after he's done. "Since it's red tea, it looks like we're bleeding."

Toko looks down at herself, "Togami, y-you're oddly good at this." 

"I'm always prepared. That's all," said Byakuya.  

Byakuya looks at the clock and back at Toko. "We better get going now. We can still make it to the first break." 

So, Toko and Byakuya walk out of the house with a bunch of escorts following them. They get into the limo and drive off to school. As soon as they arrive, a school guard is already waiting for them so he could open the gates. From looking out the window, Komaru and Peko immediately notice Toko and Byakuya walking into the school. 

Komaru would aggressively take a bite out of three Pocky sticks and say, "Peko, are you seeing this right now?" 

Peko nods, "Indeed, and I'm quite confused. Why are they together?"

 Komaru would dump the rest of her Pocky sticks in her mouth. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out!" 

Peko blinks blankly as the crumbs from Komaru's Pocky sticks get on her face. 

Eventually, Toko and Byakuya appear in their vicinity and walk down the hall. Komaru and Peko watch as they enter their classroom to talk to Jin Kirigiri.

However, they're not the only ones who noticed. Further in the hall, Junko and Mukuro are hiding in the shadows. 

Junko shatters her compact mirror in anger. Mukuro looks at Junko's fist and says, "Junko, you're bleeding."

Junko smiles menacingly and looks at her bleeding fist before shaking her head. "No! Why is Toko with Byakuya? I swear she should've been at home crying like a baby again! Argh!"

Mukuro assures Junko, "Don't worry. You're Junko Enoshima, so I'm sure you'll think of something." 

Junko smiles again and says, "You're right. I'll just have to try harder next time."       

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