A's/N - Addressing Slow Updates

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CONTENT WARNING: Mentions death threats and talks about Togafuka in ways you might not want to hear, considering this is a Togafuka story!

I sincerely apologize if you thought this was a new chapter - it's not!

I also apologize for the wait and long gaps between chapters. I don't write Author's Notes, but I wanted to explain the extremely slow updates. I want to tell you all the truth.

I grew out of Danganronpa a long time ago. I was getting tired of the toxicity of the fandom. The ship wars were insane. Back then, unfortunately, I used to ship Togafuka. Before, I wasn't smart about healthy/unhealthy relationships between people. Six chapters into this story, I found out Togafuka was a very toxic ship. At first, I continued to ship it, but time passed. I cringe at the thought of the backlash and death threats I got for shipping Togafuka and for shipping it at all.

I don't ship it anymore, as I stopped a while ago. I'm not into Danganronpa or Wattpad anymore, either. I continued the story because I had a plot from beginning to end and wanted to see through it. I still do up until now, and I'm trying my best to finish it asap! I won't abandon it!

I stopped shipping it because of hate, moving on, and the entirety of Togafuka. However, this doesn't mean that Togafuka shippers are bad people. I'll always support them because most of you were nice to me! Togafuka IS an abusive ship, but that doesn't make its shippers toxic too. So, please don't feel bad that I've stopped shipping it because my opinions have only changed! Ship it all you want - I still enjoy writing my story, and I'll continue it. Motivation has just been slower now, and I'm sorry for that. I'll try to get it done soon, but don't expect quick updates.

Until then, thank you for all your support. There are about four more chapters left. The next chapter is half-complete!

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