Chapter 4.5 ❥ Hey, Byakuya!

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"Toko Fukawa?" the teacher, Jin Kirigiri, asked for her attendance. It's been five days since she's been absent and with no rhyme or reason. Dead silence; The class looked at Toko's seat. It was empty. Jin sighed and marked her absent for the fifth time this year.

"I wonder where Toko is or what she's doing, she's been absent for a week!" Aoi thought aloud.  

"And she didn't even tell us why," Chihiro added.

"Mr. Kirigiri, is she on an independent study?" Celestia asked Jin, raising her hand.

"No, she never asked for one. So she's unexcused at the moment," Jin responded. 

"Maybe she killed herself!" Junko laughed, knowing why Toko was absent. 

"Highly unlikely. Even if it seems like it, I don't think she would commit suicide," Kyoko said as a matter-of-factly.    

"What makes you say that? All the signs are there!" Junko scoffed. 

"Well, she has a lot to live for," Kyoko looked over to Byakuya and narrowed her eyes. 

Byakuya sighed as he felt Kyoko's eyes on him. He cupped his face with his palm and looked out the window. He could remember the last time he saw her so vividly. Toko hugged him and cried, but suddenly ran away after. Toko called him Togami. For the most part, Toko looked sad... very sad. He wondered if whatever she was crying about was the reason why she's been missing. 

He closed his eyes. 'Toko, where are you?' He thought. At that very moment, Yasuhiro accidentally dropped his pencil, making Byakuya snap back into reality. "Wait, why do I care? I should be glad that the peasant is gone. I'm finally having a break; She's been giving me headaches for too long." 

"Alright class, let's get started on today's lesson," Jin said.


It was lunchtime now. Byakuya spent it in the library like he always did. However, he found himself reading novels that Toko wrote: The Family From The Day Before Yesterday, Blue Thread from the Scarred Mountain, and her most popular one, So Lingers The Ocean. He just finished reading all of them when he heard the lampshade nearby him tilt. He got startled and looked up, suspecting it was Toko, as the lamp was her usual place to stalk him. However, there was nobody there. The lampshade tilted naturally. 

He sighed, then got startled yet again when he saw it said the authors were Toko Fukawa on all three of the novels he read. Byakuya didn't even realize he read her books. He touched his forehead, 'What is wrong with me?' he thought.

As Byakuya got up from his seat to put the novels back, he heard chatter from the romance section. He looked and saw it was Komaru, Makoto, and Kyoko.

"Dang, somebody already got Toko's book!" Komaru sighed sadly.

Makoto put his index finger under his bottom lip, "You must miss her since you wanted to read her romance novel. What was it called again... So Lingers The Ocean?" he laughed "Wait, didn't you read that book already?"

Byakuya looked down at the very book they were talking about. A light shade of blush appeared on his cheeks.  

Kyoko nodded, "Yes, that's it... but Komaru, haven't you been in touch with Toko? Hasn't she told you where she's been or why she's gone?" 

Toko told Komaru that she was sick, but also not to tell the others. Komaru thought for a moment, then hesitantly shook her head.

Kyoko saw this but decided to ignore it, "Oh well. There's nothing we could do about it then." 

 The three of them left the library. As soon as they were gone, Byakuya immediately went to where they were and put the book away.


It was the last recess of the school day. This time, Byakuya was at the rooftop. He thought about life as he looked at the view. In the view of the city, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure at the front of the library, which was not too far away from the school. He blinked and adjusted his glasses 'Toko?' 

When he looked again, there was nobody there. 'Ah, it was just my imagination.' He looked down. 'Ugh, why am I wasting my time? I have better things to do.' Byakuya shook his head in irritation. 'Even though Toko is not here, she still manages to give me a headache.' He walked away. 

However, it wasn't his imagination. Toko was there and she saw him looking at her. She immediately went inside the library to hide. She hoped he didn't notice... but deep down, she also hoped that he did.

"...I miss you." 

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