Chapter 6 (Part 1) ❥ Seconds

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"Fukawa?" Byakuya was shocked to see yet another crying Toko. So shocked he suppressed the irritation of her bumping into him a second time. Toko looked up at him in dread and embarrassment. "I-I'm r-really sorry, T-Togami," Toko would stutter and hiccup uncontrollably through her words.

For a brief moment, Toko and Byakuya looked at each other. Byakuya thought how there was a glimpse of the old Toko in the one he was seeing right now. Actually, no. There was a lot of the old Toko at the moment. Byakuya looked into her eyes. They looked a lot sadder than before; there was so much melancholy in them. The blue ombre in her contacts made her tears glow. He thought it looked kind of beautiful. However, before he could respond, Toko was off again. 

Byakuya widened his eyes at the abruptness. Suddenly, a nerve made him grab Toko's wrist without him realizing it. "Fukawa!" he called out, to her surprise. 

Toko was having more trouble talking, "I-I h-have to g-go... please l-let go." 

"I'm not letting you leave," Byakuya spilled the words out of his mouth, sounding passive-aggressive.

Toko complained, "W-Why not?" 

"If I let you leave... then you'll most likely go missing again, without an explanation. I'm not going to let you do that for a second time," Byakuya said firmly.

"Y-You shouldn't even c-care! You h-hate m-me!" Toko blushed at his words, looking away "E-Everybody does."

Byakuya shook his head, "First of all, I never said that. Second of all, can you not be so overdramatic? It's all in your head."  

He took a deep breath, "You think that everybody hates you, but they don't, even if it makes sense. You caused a real hassle the last time you went missing. Everyone missed you and was worried about your whereabouts." 

Toko broke down, "Y-You're lying." 

He responded in frustration, "Dammit, Fukawa! I'm trying to comfort you right now! You should be grateful!" 

"Well, m-my apologies, but y-you're not too g-good at it," Toko said back at him. 

"Hm, you've gotten more outspoken I see," Byakuya closed his eyes, smirking. He sensed that their argument was starting to die down. Then suddenly, Byakuya dragged Toko into a hug. 

Toko blushed some more, "H-Huh?"

"You know, Fukawa - whatever you're going through, you don't have to go through it alone," Byakuya said. 

Toko sunk her shoulders and said in a low whisper, "W-Why are y-you d-doing this?"

Byakuya thought for a moment, then said "I just feel like I have to. Plus, it'll be your fault if our classmates fall into despair just because something bad happened to you. So, I'm just stopping you from doing something halfwitted. That's all." 

Toko smiled a bit, "Y-You've gotten sympathetic." 

Byakuya shrugged and patted her back, "Kyoko kind of rubbed it in. Now you know how annoying you are." 

As Toko realized she and Byakuya were hugging, she immediately let go of his grasp.

Byakuya raised an eyebrow, "What's with the mood swing? I thought you always wanted this." Toko slanted her mouth at his arrogant remark. He wasn't wrong, though. 

Toko started fidgeting with her fingers, "U-Um, I-I don't want to a-annoy y-you anymore. Thank y-you, T-Togami." 

Byakuya crossed his arms and made a skeptical face. 

Toko thought 'Man, that looks kind of hot,' while saying, "I-I swear, I-I feel a lot better! But I seriously n-need to g-go now!" 

Just as she turned around and started walking away, Byakuya simply said, "No."

Toko stopped and turned around, "What do y-you mean?" 

Byakuya pressed his glasses to the bridge of his nose, "I'm still not convinced that you're 100% satisfied. Therefore, you're going to stay over at my house tonight. Consider it an honor, as I've never done this before."

Toko widened her eyes and blush profusely, "B-But I-"

Byakuya glared at her, "I wasn't giving you an option." A limo would pull up to Byakuya and Toko. "There's our ride. Let's go."


Even though Toko was capable of getting out of her current situation, she found herself following him to his home. She was dumbfounded and confused. In the blink of an eye, they made it to their destination. 

She looked up at his house. As expected, it was a European mansion. The ones you see straight out of those teen movies. Toko was sure this was all just a dream until Byakuya snapped her back into reality. 

"Come on," Byakuya gestured Toko to follow him inside. 

As soon as they were inside, Toko couldn't help but feel like fainting. She never really thought about it, but Toko's never been to somewhere elegant or fancy before. 

Toko's face was as red as a tomato. Her cheeks were hot too. She could've sworn that there was steam coming out of her ears. That's right, Toko couldn't help but think dirty thoughts again. Of course, Byakuya sensed it. Surprisingly, he was kind of relieved, but he immediately scrapped that opinion. He turned around to look at her, blushing, but not as much as Toko was. 

He stated, "Don't overthink this, Fukawa. You're not special or anything. I'm just doing this for your sake and our classmates' sake." 

Toko scratched her head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Togami. I'm just so ...bamboozled... at this sudden change of heart." 

Byakuya sighed in irritation. 'Fukawa's not listening to me,' he'd looked away from her 'Well, at least she isn't stuttering anymore. I guess that means she has calmed down,' Byakuya thought. 

"Stop apologizing," Byakuya adjusted his glasses again as he started walking away. 

Toko lightly gasped, "Wait up!" before trailing behind him.

Toko would smile sincerely at Byakuya, "But I mean it, Togami. I'm so happy that you're doing this for me." 

Byakuya would facepalm and turn to face Toko, "Fukawa, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not doing this for you, I'm-" 

Before Byakuya knew it, he would be blushing at Toko's smiling face. You almost couldn't tell she was weird or had a split personality that killed people for fun. 'She'd be a lot more attractive and exceptional if she didn't think or act so repulsively,' Byakuya thought.

Toko would look at him, curiously, putting an index finger to her lip, "Hm? What did you say?" 

Byakuya would widen his eyes and gasp a little, then turn around. He'd do that to hide the blush on his face from Toko. "I didn't say anything, Fukawa. You're probably hearing things. Let's go." 

"Oh, okay," Toko would reply.

Then with that, they would head off to one of the tons of guest bedrooms that Toko would be staying at.     

To be continued...

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