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Hello! This is an author's note that may include spoilers, even though some parts of this story already have spoilers. 

Although Wattpad seems to be a lot calmer than other social media and software, it's been brought to my attention that many people dislike/hate Togafuka. So, I just wanted to leave this notice for any of them that stumble upon this and want to be like "Yes, let's romanticize abuse." I wish I could've said this a lot earlier, but at least I can now.

DO NOT romanticize abuse or toxicity. Honestly, I had no idea that Togafuka was a toxic and abusive ship until AFTER I wrote this story. Any Togafuka interactions in DR•THH and DRAE are irrelevant to my story. Also, Monokuma and the killing games don't exist here either. I guess you can say this is a non-despair AU. 

Some things that stayed the same is that Toko and Genocide Jack has an obvious crush on Byakuya. Toko still stalks him, but not as if it's some sort of hobby or job, and only stalks him at school. Toko doesn't say or do any weird or disgusting things, only Genocide Jack does. However, Toko still has weird fantasies that Byakuya can sense, but that is as far as it goes. Byakuya doesn't hate or fear either one of them, and they certainly don't trigger his sexual trauma with his older brother, or whatever those people say on Instagram. He just finds Toko annoying and is apathetic for Genocide Jack. So the relationship is still the same, just more subtle and excluding all the abusive and toxic parts about it. 

Just because people ship Togafuka, doesn't mean they romanticize abuse. They could be shipping it when they haven't even played the games or have much knowledge of it. Not everyone is going to know what's healthy and what isn't, so instead of THREATENING them, you can educate them or leave them alone. As long as it isn't a pro-ship or illegal ship, let people ship want they want to ship. If you want to force/convince Togafuka shippers to ship something healthier or whatever by harassing them, then that's low and you'll most likely get disappointing results. All you're doing is annoying and bullying them. Why do you have to care so much if they ship this or that? If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it. We all have our own opinions. Most of us are not open-minded enough to change it.

Also, to all of you, don't be afraid to express the ships you like. You are open to your own opinions and people can't make you feel inferior without your permission. Besides, these are most likely people on the internet who could be arguing with you. So basically, what are they going to do if they don't like what you like? Exactly. BE BRAVE! 

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