Chapter 2 ❥ You and Your Master

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Toko had cried herself to sleep that day. Reality had finally struck her and it struck her hard. So hard she didn't want to go to school the next day and that's exactly what she did. The next day she had told Komaru not to wait for her before school because she was feeling sick. This went on for about two weeks until Komaru realized that it was starting to sound suspicious. 

Through the two weeks, Toko mainly spent her time at home or the library. At home, she did nothing but sulk and cry. Sometimes she went to the library to get her mind off Byakuya and get engaged in a book. If ever Byakuya was there, she hid in the shadiest area. The weeks were tough, as every little detail would remind her of him. However, Toko had an encounter. 

The time was already after school, and as always, Toko walked to the library. As she walked around the curb, somebody had unexpectedly grabbed her and dragged her into an alleyway. "Mmf!" Toko tried to scream and struggle out of the mugger's grasp, but they were too strong.

The mugger tied Toko's wrists and taped her mouth. Then, they started searching for Toko's body for anything valuable, but no such luck. They did see her tally-mark scars and the Gen-Scissors, though. Toko was mortified as their eyes were locked on those two remarkable features.

"Are you some sort of psycho masochist?" the mugger said, their voice revealing them to be a middle-aged male. "L-Let me go!" Toko tried saying, but it only came out as high-pitched muffles. The mugger sighed "Wow, nothing useful on you, how annoying." They rubbed their forehead for a couple of seconds before they grabbed one of the Gen-Scissors and pushed the blade on Toko's skin, then sliding it down the middle, causing her chin to bleed. 

"However, not all is lost. I could beat you up into something much uglier than you already are... or kidnap you and sell your organs to the black market," they said in a menacing tone. Toko started to cry while thinking, 'Come on, Genocide Jack! Please, come out! Just sneeze! Sneeze!'  

The mugger brought the Gen-Scissor to one of Toko's braids "Let's start with your hair." He tugged on one of her braids before cutting a quarter of the braid off. Just as he was about to cut the other, a voice yelled "Such a sordid act will not go unnoticed. By the power of Sparkling Justice, you will be reprimanded!" 

Toko and the mugger turned around, "Eh?" There stood a girl from Toko's school, named Peko. However, she was wearing a Sparkling Justice mask. The mugger couldn't help but laugh "You got a death wish, lady?" With no more time wasted, Peko jumped at the mugger. The mugger got shocked at this surprise attack, delaying his reaction. They had a blade fight; Peko fought with her katana and the mugger fought with Toko's Gen-Scissors. 

Not even a minute passed when Peko beat the mugger and he fell to the ground. Peko took out her phone to call the police. A couple of seconds later, the mugger was arrested. After that fiasco, Peko knelt at a shivering Toko, "Are you okay?" and helped her out of the ropes and duct tape.

"W-Who are y-you?" Toko sat up. Then, Peko took off her mask. "I'm Peko Pekoyama. I believe we both go to the same school. Nice to meet you," she extended her hand. Toko looked at Peko's hand before realizing she wanted a handshake. She nervously brought her hand to Peko's, looking away while doing so. Toko was surprised that she was acknowledged by a student from her school that she didn't know back. They probably knew her from bad rumors or how she acts, so Toko didn't get her hopes up.

"T-Thank you for s-saving me," Toko said shyly. She almost sounded a little annoyed, since she was disappointed that she wasn't saved by Byakuya. Peko observed Toko, "You're welcome," Peko then widened her eyes and realized "Wait, we need to get you treated, before that cut gets infected. Let's go to my house." 

Toko was embarrassed; she didn't want to go to her house "A-Ah, it's okay!" Peko held Toko's hand and walked away with her. "No, it's not." 

In the end, Toko found herself in Peko's house. It was a lot like a fancy Minka and was very peaceful. "Hey, Peko." a voice called out. Toko turned her head and saw Fuyuhiko, another student from her school.

"Greetings, young master," Peko bowed to Fuyuhiko. "Y-Young m-master?" Toko thought aloud. Peko turned her head to Toko "Indeed. My young master, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, is a yakuza of an elite clan and I am his bodyguard. I have to protect him at all times because I am his sword; his tool."

Fuyuhiko blushed profusely, "Peko, how many times do I have to tell you? Stop with the formalities! You're not a tool; you're a human being just like the rest of us!" Toko blinked and thought 'So Peko also has a master that she loves? Her relationship with Fuyuhiko is nothing like me and Togami's...' Toko thought intensely 'ours is the complete opposite.'

"If you wish, young master," Peko nodded to Fuyuhiko. Fuyuhiko facepalmed and sighed exhaustingly as Peko clearly didn't understand what he meant. "Anyways, I see you've made a new friend?" Toko's head and eyes shot up 'H-Huh? Friend? N-Nobody but O-Omaru has c-called me their friend...'

Peko gestured her hand at Toko "Yes, this is Toko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy. She's an upperclassman in our school." Toko was flattered and bit her thumb at Peko's sophisticated introduction. "Huh? Never heard of her," Fuyuhiko scratched her head, "But then again, I don't pay much attention to people outside our class."

Peko looked at Toko, "Toko, please don't bite your nails, it's a bad habit." Toko quickly took her thumb out of her mouth. Fuyuhiko took a closer look at Toko and realized "Woah, what the hell happened to you? You look like you just came out of a dumpster." 

"She was mugged and assaulted but I rescued her in time," Peko closed her eyes before opening them again "Which reminds me that I was going to do something about that. Let's get going, Toko." Peko walked off into another room "A-Ah, okay..." Toko followed.         

Peko had let Toko take a shower first before tending to the wound. Their bathroom was quite cozy and put Toko deep in her thoughts. "Hmm..." Toko hummed 'Am I Peko's friend?' 

After Toko took a bath and put her newly washed clothes back on, Peko disinfected Toko's wound. "Peko..?" Toko called out without thinking. "Yes, Toko?" Peko said. "Am I your friend?" 

Peko looked at Toko in the eye "Indeed. Young master had commanded me to find friends because I wouldn't be able to embrace youth properly if I didn't have a social life." Toko's left eyebrow and eye twitched in sync 'E-Eh? Is this how she comforts people?' She thought, kind of sad, 'I see... so she's just using me.'

"I was worried because as you can see, my personality isn't particularly fun or outgoing. I was ashamed to go home without making progress because young master would've been disappointed. However, then I found you. Thank you for giving me hope, Toko." Peko smiled as she grasped her hands in Toko's. "H-Huh? I-I didn't do a-anything but g-get assaulted. I-I should be thanking y-you!" Peko laughed a little.

"Speaking of w-which... w-why were y-you wearing a Sparkling Justice m-mask?" Toko asked Peko. 

"Ah well, I was hiding my identity. In case that mugger planned on getting revenge." 

"O-Oh, I-I see. I thought y-you were just some s-sort of peculiar w-wannabe."

Peko laughed some more, "Well, that's fair enough."

"But r-really, Peko. T-Thank you f-for saving m-me and being m-my friend," Toko said quietly. 

Peko posed as Sparkling Justice and spoke in a voice like her "Well, Sparkling Justice must bring just to all!" 

Toko was amused "H-Heh... N-Nobody is ever this k-kind to me."

Peko looked at Toko earnestly and said, "You must've lived a life of anguish. Something very tragic must've happened almost two weeks ago, which is why you were absent for so long. Everybody was so worried about you."

Toko was skeptical and didn't believe it "N-No way, why would p-people miss me? I'm j-just a nobody. B-Besides, I only had a common c-cold."

Peko finished patching up Toko's wound and sighed "Toko, a common cold takes less than a week to heal." Toko then started to break into tears "Y-You're right. I-I'm a monster... T-Togami will never l-love m-me."

Peko understood and leaned over to Toko and hugged her as Toko hugged back without realizing, crying some more.

That day, Peko and Toko became friends. 

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