Chapter 4 ❥ A Happy Girl

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Toko woke up, realizing she slept through the rest of the night on her computer desk. She must've fallen asleep while writing her story. It's okay, though, she was almost done typing out the second chapter. 

She wiped the drool from her mouth and checked the time. Thankfully, she didn't oversleep. Toko was always a light sleeper and woke up by the sound by a small rock that had hit her window due to the wind. 

Vrr, vrr! Toko's phone went off. She picked it up and saw it was her group chat with Peko and Komaru. Komaru had told her she'd better go to school today (with her new look) or else she'd be in big trouble. Toko sweated and laughed nervously, thinking, 'Ah, I guess I'll just go.' 

Toko took a quick shower, used her new toiletries, and put on her newly tailored uniform. Not much about it was changed, but it looked new and the skirt was now medium length, the same length as Chihiro's uniform skirt. She decided to keep her hair down and wore the new eye contacts. The eye contacts were also colored, it was a grayish-blueish color and it made her face glow. Toko couldn't believe her eyes; she didn't believe that was her. Finally, she finished the look with an aroma of cherry-blossom perfume and a light tint of pink blush and lip gloss that Peko bought her.

Knock, knock, knock! Komaru and now Peko knocked on Toko's door. 'Just in time,' Toko thought as she grabbed her bag, went down the stairs, and opened the door. There were Peko and Komaru, as Toko suspected.

Komaru's eyes sparkled, "Toko, you look so pretty!" Peko nodded in delight. Toko's cheeks got pinker since she was blushing "K-Komaru, P-Peko, don't lie..." Komaru pouted "We're not lying, we mean it!" Toko sighed "Let's j-just get to school." Komaru nodded, "Okay, good. We only came to drag you to school but it looks like we didn't have to!" Toko rolled her eyes.

They finally made it to the school gate and almost all the students were already inside the building. People walking nearby the trio would stare at Toko. Suddenly a wave of anxiety washed upon Toko and she looked in horror. "A-AH, KOMARU, YOU'RE WRONG! I-I CAN'T DO THIS!" She'd turned around and started running, but Peko immediately chases after her and brought her back to where Komaru was standing. 

Komaru sighed and placed her hands on Toko's shoulders, "Toko, no more backing out! You can do this! If it makes you feel any better, I'll walk you to your classroom," Peko joined in "And so will I." Toko looked of uncertainty but went along anyway. 

Now the three of them stood at the door of Toko's class. Toko shivered in fear and whispered, "I-I can't do t-this... I should've s-stayed at home... UNTIL THE E-END OF T-TIME!" Komaru shook her head as Peko opened the door, "C'mon, Toko! We believe in you! Good luck!" 

Peko and Komaru both forced Toko inside her classroom, which took a while as Toko staggered to stay in the same place; at the door. Everybody stared at Toko awkwardly until Toko finally gave up and walked inside the classroom. At first, nobody even realized that it was Toko. They thought she was a new student who didn't want to go to their school. However, it all came together as soon as she went to her desk.

Aoi rose her voice in shock, "Toko, is that you? Where have you been for the past two weeks?" 

Makoto joined in, "Yeah, everybody was so worried about your whereabouts!"

Sayaka complimented Toko, "You look so pretty!"

Students were all shooting words at Toko and it made her dizzy. 'E-Eh? Why is everybody s-so worried about m-me? I-I didn't even m-miss them b-back-' Toko thought but she soon didn't care. The only person she cared about was Byakuya. She glanced over at him to see his reaction to her return. He was reading a book. However, his demeanor was unsubtle and there was a light shade of blush on his cheeks. 

Toko was still disappointed at first but remembered Junko saying nothing Toko did would make Byakuya love her, ever. For a split moment, Toko fell into despair but remembered the hope from Komaru and Peko. 

'A-Ah, that's right... this i-isn't about T-Togami anymore. I-It's about m-me, I-I think. I-I can't give up, not after K-Komaru and P-Peko worked so hard and cheered me on.' Toko took a deep breath 'Okay, just f-for now...' She plastered a big smile and started talking to her classmates, not stuttering at all. She sounded outspoken. Her classmates were just as shocked as Toko and couldn't believe it was her. The nervous Toko was now confident. 

Even after class, the girls wanted to hang out with her during break and eat with her at lunch. Toko didn't want to refuse, so she agreed while Peko and Komaru stayed with her. Peko and Komaru were proud of themselves and Toko. However, Toko didn't know if acknowledgment or being liked by her classmates is what she wanted. Deep down, she was unsure of her happiness. 

The end of the school day approached and it was time to clean the classroom. Toko grabbed a mop and bucket from the janitor's closet. She was contemplating her life. Toko sighed as she swept the floor. Suddenly, a wave of cold splashed on Toko's back, "Kyaaa-!" she shivered. The whole backside of her jacket was wet. She turned around and saw it was Byakuya. He was holding a bucket of cold water and bumped into Toko, spilling all the water on her.

Toko thought he did it on purpose. She was on the verge of crying when she bowed and apologized even though it wasn't her fault, "I'm sorry for bumping into you again, Togami!" She was about to leave when Byakuya stopped her, "Fukawa, what are you apologizing for?"

Toko turned around, perplexed, "Huh?"

"I was the one who bumped into you, I should be the one apologizing." Byakuya fixed his glasses, blushing of embarrassment, "Therefore... I'm sorry, Fukawa."

Toko was shocked. Did Byakuya just apologize to her? Did he just call her by her last name? It wasn't her first name, but it was better than being called an eyesore. She stood; She was unmoved... blank. 

Byakuya looked over Toko's shoulder. "Your jacket - it's soaking wet. You're going to get sick if you continue wearing it." Therefore, he took off his jacket and threw it at her. "Take it off and wear mine for now. You can give it back to me tomorrow. However, if you ruin it in any way, you'll have to buy me a new one." 

Toko quickly gained consciousness and grabbed it. She blushed and waved her open hand around like a crazy lady, "Wha-? No-! I can't! I mustn't!" 

"Dammit, I'm trying to show I'm sorry. Just take it before I change my mind!" 

Toko blushed more, "Fine if you insist." She started to take her jacket off and shyly put on Byakuya's. She didn't believe this was happening. When she looked up, Byakuya was staring at her carefully the whole time she changed jackets. Both of them blushed profusely when they came to the realization. 

Byakuya immediately looked away from Toko and covered his mouth, "Anyways, I'll see you on Monday." He got his bucket and continued with his cleaning.

As he walked away, Toko couldn't avoid smelling his jacket. 'I can't believe I'm wearing Master-AH-I-MEAN-Togami's jacket!' Toko almost twirled and danced in joy, but immediately stopped in her tracks. She shook her head back-and-forth, trying to fog up her Byakuya thoughts.

'No, Toko! You're not supposed to like him anymore, remember? Sheesh-!' She sighed deeply before continuing to sweep the floor. However, she couldn't help but smile while she did so. 

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