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EUNHA'S hand begins to ache and she puts down the pen taking a break from her homework.
"geez he really gives a shit ton of work-" eunha groans while massaging her sore hand. she looks up at the pin board in front of her.

"geo... english. alright. after all that I'm done" she mumbles quietly, picking up her pen to continue the assignment but a notification ping instantly catches her   attention. grabbing her phone, she checks the notification just to see if it was a message or something else. as much as she wanted to take a break and continue later, she knew very.. very well that she would get distracted and her work would be delayed by an hour or two. her shitty attention span has been cooperating quite well so far and she couldn't let the streak die.


Instagram Message (1)

(eeunjung) l.jaenoes: hey. how was your day?

her heart skips a beat.

because of the incident from the night before, the message only managed to remind her of juyeon. after all, it all started with 'how was your day' messages everyday until it abruptly stops.

"jeno isn't like juyeon... it's not like I initiated a lot first.. I only followed him first. this situation is different from the one with juyeon...." she tells herself to stop the worries.

eunha is in a bit of a dilemma. trying to tell herself that jeno won't be like juyeon to ghost her suddenly. but she doesn't know jeno that well. how sure can she be that he won't just throw her aside when he's done? their relationship is only based on ranting to each other when needed anyways. when he has nothing left on his chest, he can just leave her. coming back only when he needs to rant once more.
in the end, she still wanted to be his friend normally too, not just as a mere therapist to him.

"I'll reply later.. replying too fast might make him think I'm desperate or something..."

she picks up the pen, bringing it to her mouth and chewing on the tip slightly to help with the thinking.

"but I did say he could text me anytime if he wanted to talk about something... maybe he needs to rant.. I can't just ignore him..."

in the end, she puts friendship first and replies to his message. "I don't want him to think I lied to him... I'll definitely be there if he needs someone to talk to. after all, we're in the same position," she looks at his name. "aren't we?"



yeah my day was fine.

fine too. just had a
hard time avoiding
chenle and ryujin.

I share a lot of
classes with them
it sucks now.

anything interesting
happen today?

not really. just a normal

lots of assignments
from Mr Oh tho

ah that guy..

hate him :/

he turns everything
into an assignment

oh yeah.

how's the recovery

eunha thinks for a while.
"should I tell him the truth? or should I say it's fine.... he was honest with his so I guess I'll be honest too"

not so good actually.

call me stupid but
I kinda cried over
him last night.

read through all those
nice old messages he

so ur going
through that too

same. but it's
memories for me.

I didn't really
text ryujin a lot...

wanna talk about

that is, if you
want to and if
you want to get it
off ur chest

I'm kinda busy now

so no time to rant :/

have a part time job
to go to later so I'm rushing
on the hw.

ah, understandable

I'll leave you be then


do you want to

we can call and
you can just rant.

I'll listen while doing
my work

it's fine eun.

don't worry.

we can save it
for the next time
we meet

and when will that

when we bump
into each other.

just like the other

let it come naturally

haha. sure. no worries

rant buddy?

rant buddy 👍

the hyungs are
calling me to do
chores so i gtg.

good luck with
the recovery. let's
help each other
recover faster.

I'll be there for
you when you
need me 

definitely :> I'll do the

I really gotta continue
my homework now

so have a great
day jeno

u too, eunha.

fighting! :)


unbeknownst to the both of them, they both stared at their phones, thinking back to the messages they sent each other. an unknowing smile forms on both their faces leaving their hearts warm and happy.

kinda short chapter hehe

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kinda short chapter hehe.
hope you liked it ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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