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THE airport was freezing cold.

upon reaching the terminal, eunha shivers from the breeze for artificial coldness. as if the plane wasn't cold enough, it felt like the terminal was even colder that day.

"are you not taking your jacket off? it's so hot in here"

eunha looks over at her mom, grimacing. "it's still so cold"

but her mom shales her head disapprovingly in response, immediately tearing the jacket away from her own body. "looking at you makes me sweat even more. you get so cold easily. who gave you that"

the girl gives a very small smile, holding onto the handle of her luggage bag tighter. "we all know who did" with a little heavy sigh, eunha's mom wraps an arm over her daughter's shoulder. the both of them beginning to walk off, leaving the airport. "let's not think about the negatives okay?"

"Mhm, agreed" she looks up at her mom. "you need to get a boyfriend, mom. then we can really move on"

"ey, your mom is too old for a boyfriend" she shakes her head. "dating is too tiring. if I knew what I was getting into I would've stayed single!"

"but you wouldn't have me!"

"ah" eunha's mom sighs out. "you're right" she holds onto eunha even tighter than before. "at least that bastard gave me something good. this is the best thing he gave me" the two share a laugh before reaching the waiting area.

"when are you going to visit me in busan eunha? you're grandma and aunt miss you. it'll be nice if you could stay a few days"

"I'll visit soon mom" eunha smiles. "I have a school break sometime soon and I'll promise to stay there for a week. I'll take care of grandma. we'll head to the morning market together and eat the best snacks together. then at night.... " eunha leans into her mother's ear. "we gossip about people we don't like"

"eyyy" her mom laughs while pushing her away. "it's not good to gossip about people!" she says in between laughs. finally calming down to give her daughter a warm smile. "but yes, that would be nice"

"here, I'll give you some money for a cab. it'll take a long time before you reach busan so let me buy you a snack before I leave-"

"why are you in such a rush eun? don't even want to spend time with your mother before I leave you again?" her mom says just as eunha is about to dash off to the nearest food court.

eunha laughs shyly. "I just wanna go to school today"

her mom tilts her head. "you? want to go to school? how odd. I thought you'd want to take a day off and go tomorrow"

"I wanna surprise and my friends and a certain someone"

her mouth drops slightly. "boyfriend?"

"I'll tell you soon ma" eunha scrunches her nose. "hurry up and look for a cab. I'll be as quick as I can."

eunha's mom gives a thumbs up sign. eunha giving on in return before she's jogging off with the intention of spoiling her mother with snacks for her trip back to busan.


NORMAL people get waken up by alarms, a certain young male named jeno gets woken up by a dog jumping on him. the white floofer jumps right on his stomach. jeno jolting awake from the immense pain. the dog only smiling at him sweetly. so innocently yet jeno knew the evil thoughts inside her head.

"oh god my organs" jeno mutters in pain as he holds onto his stomach. "I could get murdered by this dog and no one would even know" looking in front of him, jeno throws a glare at the dog he called his frenemy. "I will burn all your favorite treats" he spits out before getting out of his bed, holding onto his stomach as his legs brought him to the kitchen where he begins to make himself a lazy, boring breakfast: plain white bread and butter.

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