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"ah... I have physics today"

minjeong walks into the quiet school hallway with her eyes closed, lips pulled into a little tired bread smile. she was drained from spending the night playing a horror game with her boyfriend that she decided to come to school earlier than usual just so that she could sneak some sleep before class started.

if she continued sleeping at home, she'd miss her 25 alarms for sure.

"so sleepy" she mutters softly.

finally her eyes open when she reaches her locker.

"huh" she says when she notices a piece of paper stuck against her locker. she rips the paper from the metal door and reads it, mouth dropping open immediately after seeing the title.





"park seunggi... that's... " her eyes lower down to the single image that was on the news article.


netizens can't phantom how young daughter of axeman Park Seunggi must've felt when her father was arrested in front of her. Park Eunjin(left) was only 10 years old.


"no.... " minjeong crumples the paper in her hand slowly, turning her head only to see a bunch of other students what she could assume is the exact same article as hers. "this is impossible... this is the old version of the article.... the one that was edited wrongly... how-"

without another thought, minjeong runs. she jogs down the hallway, terrified to see more of the same news articles plastered every where.

on every wall, every locker.

the same taunting article was there.

it was like some sick nightmare.

minjeong nearly collapses when she sees bright red spray painted onto a certain locker.

MURDERER'S DAUGHTER it said in bright red. arrows pointing to a singular locker.

"no.. no... this can't be happening" minjeong tears up.

once again, her feet moves first. running across the hall as she frantically removed every single article that was stuck onto the walls.

"stop reading that!" she yells, snatching the paper away from many students. all of them looking at her like she was crazy, cursing minjeong under their breaths before heading to their respective classes annoyed.

"oh my god. jinsoo!" she cries out in frustration when she sees said boy walking into the hall with a tired look on his face, both hands holding onto the strap of his backpack. jinsoo looks at minjeong confused.

confused at her teary eyed state and the multiple pieces of paper held in her arms messily. "what's going on?... " he murmurs, voice laced with sleepiness.

"articles-" minjeong pants out, brain so worried she was unable to form sentences.

when no proper sentence was formed, she just shoves an article towards the tired boy. "read it" she said, jinsoo doing as told. not long after, his eyes widening, sleepiness long gone. "how-"

read this when you're lonely • lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now