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"jeno jeno jeno jeno jeno~"

jaemin sings, body swaying from side to side when cooing at the male named jeno who wanted to die. "can you like... stop" he pleads.

"no" jaemin smiles cutely at jeno and continues singing his name over... and over again. "jeno~ jeno~ jeno~ jeno~~" it just never stopped.

as the singing progresses and jeno feels each of his functioning brain cells slowly evaporate into thin air, he very subtly snakes an arm over jaemin's shoulder, moving carefully like a predator eyeing its prey as he pulls him closer. no   movement is made for a good ten seconds. it's just jeno having an arm over his shoulder. but lee jeno doesn't randomly do that for no reason. there's always a motive behind those innocent acts of his. the awful lack of movement and stillness from jeno makes jaemin  suspicious. then jeno's hand slides down jaemin's chest pausing halfway, wrist bending.

then it finally clicks.

"get the fuck off me" jaemin quickly shoves jeno away from him. "you were gonna purple nurple me weren't you!"

jeno grins, evilly.

"I will fucking whack you- no, I'll tell your mom"

then jeno's face falls. "dude come on- you guys always snitch on me to my mom. you know how many naggings I've had because of you asses?"

"I know very well. your mom and I are very close. she tells me everything" jaemin says with such a casual tone it weirds jeno out.

"why do you know my mom... "

jaemin smiles. "because. I am a mother myself. don't all mothers know each other?" he very proudly gestures at himself. "do you see jisung? i pushed him right out of my ass and raised him to be the man he is today"

jeno stays quiet, blinking slowly at the male beside him. "you need fucking therapy- I can get you a good, good therapist, jaemin"

"no jeno, you're the one that needs therapy. look at you, staring at your ex crush just to torture your self ─ fucking masochist" jaemin says, more so scolds.

jeno groans and rolls his eyes, covering his ears as jaemin continues to nag at him. feeling his phone vibrate a few times in his pocket, he drops his hands from his ears and pulls the phone out of its confinement. jaemin's nagging doesn't stop and jeno opts to use his mind to cancel out the noise which he does somewhat successfully.

double tap, he turns on his phone.

Instagram Message (1)

(l.jaenoes) eeunjung: my prayers have been answered. mrs kim didn't come
(l.jaenoes) eeunjung: are u in class? :/ poor u :p
(l.jaenoes) eeunjung: I'm gonna game >:)

the corner of his lips pull up and he immediately replies.


jokes on u. my teacher
hasn't come yet either.

u playing KR?

that's the only game
I can play well

so yes.

wanna play tgt
Mr centurion?

don't be jealous

it only took me 3 weeks
to get there.

u will get there
soon too :)

read this when you're lonely • lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now