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"do you know how to cycle?"

MR LEE stood in his garage rummaging through the many items he owned while jeno and eunha stared at him from behind, far away from the dusty area.

"yeah. I like cycling" she replies.

"do you know how to use a road bike"


"well you're in luck because... " Mr Lee pulls out 3 helmets and some knee and elbow guards. "my wife has a regular bike that you can ride"

Mr Lee turns around the see eunha with her head tilted like a confused dog.

he throws jazz hands. "we're going cycling!"


"when was the last time you cycled, jeno" Mr lee asks, jeno rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly in response. "it's been a while... I didn't really get the chance to cycle. jaemin refuses to go with me"

"jae.. jaeman? who's that"

jeno blinks at his father very.. very slowly. "my best friend"

Mr lee looks up to ponder. he just shrugs. "eh I forgot"

jeno rolls his eyes, his dad continuing to find items needed for the cycling date.

"alright, " Mr lee pulls out a normal bike, setting it against the wall and then pulling out two road bikes. "this is yours, eunha" he pats the normal bike. "and this is yours, jeno" he pats the black road bike.

"since when did you have two bikes?"

"this bike," Mr lee holds onto the other white road bike. ",actually belongs to my friend. he lives in apartment so I just help him to keep the bike since we bike every weekend."

handing eunha and jeno the helmets, he puts on his sunglasses and smiles at the both of them. "brace yourselves, I like to go fast"


eunha felt like dying.

jeno's dad wasn't lying about how he liked to go fast. he was cycling at (exaggerated) 100 kilometers per hour; jeno wasn't any better, his body strong enough to cycle fast, matching with his fathers speed.
poor eunha was left behind, peddling with all her might as she tried to catch up with the father and son.

"my legs are gonna be so fucking sore tomorrow--" she says through pants, trying her best to let oxygen into her lungs and find the strength in herself to cycle faster. then again, no matter how fast she went, she'd never cat h up to them.

until she did.

but it was only because they noticed the lack of her presence, stopping at the side of the road as they watched her tiny figure slowly become bigger and bigger.

when eunha sees the both of them finally come to a stop, she nearly cries; cycling as fast as she could until she had reached them at last.
she nearly collapses off the bike, body over heating and feeling over used - the result of barely working out.

"oh god, you guys--" she tries to catch her breath, words slowly becoming more and more incoherent as she is continuously yearning for more oxygen in her system. "I thought you guys abandoned me!" she lies on the Rocky pavement, not even bothering to worry about how dirty it is. "I can't do this anymore" she swipes her tongue against the roof of her mouth, closing her eyes to shield them from the harsh rays of the sun. "I'm going to pass away right here right now"

"oh come on eunh-"

"no" she points a stern finger at jeno. "this is not nothing. you are just built wrong- actually no, you're built way too well. have mercy on my small puny body, jeno. I don't lift weights and do squats as a hobby"

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