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MORNING comes and the bright morning rays shine into the house. with the curtains at the side, the sunlight is free to enter the house, shining from the balcony and onto the two young adults who were tangled onto each other. their position exactly the same as when they fell asleep.

the blinding rays shine over their eyelids making them - or mostly jeno, see white behind his eyes. forehead creasing from the bright light hitting him even with his eyes closed, he unconsciously pulls eunha closer to him, letting his chest be a barrier from the bright light. his conscious mind wasn't even aware of the situation he was in yet.

when the bright light was too much for him, he opens his eyes slowly. squinting and blinking slowly, his brain is waking up at the pace of a snail just like the rest of his body. jeno finally acknowledges  the position he is in and looks down, seeing the sleeping girl buried in his chest. one arm was comfortably placed over his waist while the other was squished between his chest and her own, thumb brushing over her lip. she looked so peaceful as she slept.

jeno felt his cheeks heat up, heart almost thumping out of his chest as he steadies his breathing.

this was really happening.... jeno thought. but how did it happen?

he squeezes his eyes shut, trying his best to look through his memory files to find the exact memory that contained the events from the night before. yet again, he was drunk last night, which would make it harder for him to find the exact moment he got himself into this position. surely she wouldn't randomly throw herself onto him right? and to sleep together like this? there must've been something that led up to this very moment. this very moment that made jeno's heart do triple backflips and a fucking cartwheel.

much to his dismay, he could only remember broken fragments of the memory. the rest felt like a blur. the only thing he could remember was that it started with them texting, he went to her house, they drank their hearts out and they _______

now jeno just had to fill in that blank.

what did they do after drinking?

gears in his brain begin moving slowly, trying to piece together the broken fragments of his memory to fill in that blank.

they drank, then they cried out their thoughts....

a memory flashes into his head yet he couldn't quite tell what it was. he forces himself to flash that memory over and over until he finally gets a clear picture.

once the memory is properly pieced together, he gets a full picture of the whole night. he remembers every single thing that had happened and it makes him gasp. the girl moves slightly in his hold and jeno clamps a hand over his mouth to shut himself up, not wanting her to wake up just yet.
once she's still again, jeno releases his hand from his mouth and closes his eyes.
he chews on his bottom lip, preparing himself for what he was about to witness as the memory slowly plays in his head like a short movie.


leaning in, jeno lets his lips gently collide with those of eunha's.

slow and gently, that's how it went.

he brings one hand to her cheek, cupping it gently while the other snakes around her waist to pull her closer.
meanwhile, both her hands hold onto his biceps.

eunha's body began to fall back slowly, jeno's body following along until her back hits the floor. their lips continued moving against each other's, not separating for even a moment.


jeno sucks in a breath, trying to be as quiet as possible when doing so. he feels the heat rise to his cheeks and begins feeling incredibly hot.

read this when you're lonely • lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now