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EUNHA has never felt this drained in her entire life. not even when everything first happened long ago when she was a child. everything's probably more overwhelming because the whole thing was hitting her like a speeding truck years after all her efforts to keep her true identity hidden.
eunha throws herself onto the hard floor, calling for her precious floof to jump and take away all her sadness away. the sound of doggy's paws pitter pattering on the floor makes eunha smile, feeling relieved that she's safe at home with no one to randomly come up to her and call her a murderer.

eunha bursts out in laughter when doggy attacks her with multiple licks to her face. jeno, who was busy taking off his socks, looked at the scene with a delighted smile on his face, equally as happy as eunha just by seeing her look relieved and energized.

when eunha manages to pry the large cloud off of her, she gets doggy comfy between her legs, beginning to stroke her fur just the way she liked it.

"jeno, can you make me something to eat?" eunha asks, adoring eyes still glued onto her precious cloud.

"sure, what do you want?" jeno complies easily, feeling like he'd drop whatever he's doing immediately just to attend to his girlfriend.

"naengmyeon? I'm pretty sure I have some instant ones in the drawer"

"you want any mustard or vinegar inside the soup?" jeno asks, already opening the drawer to take out the food.

"plain is good" she says.


"eat up~"

"wahh~" eunha's eyes light up in delight when jeno places the bowl of cold noodles in front of her. her mouth was already watering at the sight of it. the beef cutting wasn't that pretty but it's okay, he tried his best. "thank you jeno" she says while bringing a chopstick full of noodles to her mouth, eyes turning into crescents and her cheeks puffing up with food.
"you're welcome" he says, patting her head. "anything else you want?"

eunha shakes her head but pats the spot next to her. "just sit with me"


EUNHA can't count how many times she's had water and other substances thrown on her in school. from chocolate milk to pasta, half her clothes had been stained with food which sucked because it was a real bitch to clean up when she got home. the smell of whatever was thrown onto her staining her clothes.

jeno and minjeong also couldn't count how many times they've been fuming up when watching the torment eunha was put through. yet telling the teachers only seemed to anger the bullies more. harsh words were inked onto all the tables she sat at and even her locker too; the things written on her table ranging from cuss words to curses sent towards her family.

the bullies were close to suspension but eunha begged her friends and jeno to just stay quiet in fear that once the bullies were suspended, they'd somehow find out where she lived, break into her house, vandalize her home and hurt her dog.
technology is crazy advanced and she was sure that if they tried hard enough, they'd definitely manage to find out where she lived. thinking about the possibility of people hurting her dog in any way broke her heart. knowing that doggy would definitely try to protect the house from any intruders, she knew that in the end, doggy would be no match to a group of humans who could easily kick her or beat her if they wanted to.

"you can't keep letting them do this to you!" minjeong exclaims. "those fuckers should blame themselves if they get suspended because they're the ones targeting you on their own free will"

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