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JENO groans when the alarm rings at 5.30am. the sky outside was still as dark as ever, curtains blowing slowly in the wind. eunha was hugging her pillow, curled into a ball; doggy just right beside her on the floor, laying on her side with drool dipping down the side of her lips.

jeno scratches his head, forcing himself to get out of bed. he nearly collapses on the floor out of tiredness, but he manages to prevent himself from doing so and instead heads to the bathroom where he brushes his teeth and washes his face.

the cold water hitting his skin wakes him up a bit. his eyes adjust to the brightness of the blinding toilet light and he heads back into the bedroom, sitting on the floor to double check that he had everything he needed packed in his luggage bag.

he zips up his bag after checking, getting back into his feet to wake up the dog and eunha. he calls doggy's name softly, petting her head gently until she gets up.

"wake up, love" he shakes eunha's shoulder softly. her eyes cracking open slightly, forehead creasing, brain loading. "we have to go soon. do you want some coffee and bread?"

it takes eunha a while to process jeno's words. finally, she nods and jeno gives her a small smile before going into the kitchen. eunha follows in jeno's earlier footsteps of brushing her teeth and washing her face.

outside, jeno boils some water and takes out two slices of bread. he heats the toaster and plops the two slices of bread inside. as the bread began to toast, he scoops some coffee into a mug for himself and eunha before proceeding to scoop up some kibble, placing it into doggy's bowl.

eunha comes out of the bedroom just as jeno begins spreading cream cheese onto the toast and sprinkling some black pepper as the cherry on top.

"eat up" he mumbles with sleepiness lacing his voice. eunha nods, taking a seat and eating the bread that was placed on her designated side of the table.

they eat in silence, giving each other time to fully warm up their systems.


"everything checked?"

it was now 6am. jeno and eunha were checking one last time to make sure they had everything they needed for their one week getaway.

"yep. oh yeah, do you have doggy's stuff ready?"

"ah shit" eunha jogs to her room, grabbing the bag that contained all of doggy's stuff from food to poop bags. "thanks for reminding me jeno" she says with a sigh, shaking her head disappointed with herself.

"right, our train leaves at 7. the trip there is gonna take.... " jeno counts with his fingers. "20 minutes, we reach the train station by 6.25 and we'd have time to eat and or buy some additional snacks for ourselves. you got our tickets?"

eunha digs through her bag. "yep"

"right, then we're all set."
jeno squats down to look at doggy who was on a leash. "you be a good girl okay, doggy? we don't want to disturb and upset any other passengers on the train so you must be well behaved"

the dog only smiles back at him.

"I hope that's a yes" jeno says, standing back up.

"let's go now?"

jeno nods, opening the door. "let's go"


THERE'S not too many people at the train station by the time they reached. there were only a few people with luggage bags waiting on the benches.

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