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THE doorbell rings and eunha is quick to run to the door and get the pizza. with a quick bow and multiple thank yous, she closes the door and happily sets the pizza on the dining table.

"smells so good" she says while pulling the pizza boxes from the plastic bag, setting it on the table and opening the boxes. jeno gets up from the couch towards eunha. "I'll get the plates, where do you keep them?"

"just open the top cupboard and you'll see them" eunha answers, eyes not leaving the fresh pizza. jeno sets the metal plates onto the table and carefully places a slice of both pizzas onto the plate, handing it to eunha. "here you go" he says with a smile.

"it's fine take that as yours, I'll take my own" she says, ready to take the pizza for herself but jeno puts the plate it her hands instead. "it's hot, you can take this and I'll take the pizza myself"
eunha takes the plate. "thanks jeno"

"you're welcome" he once again places both flavoured pizzas onto his own plate.

"wanna watch a movie on the couch while eating?"

the male nods while taking a bite out of the pizza. "sure, put whatever show you like, I'm fine with anything"

hopping onto the couch, eunha scrolls through Netflix and eventually puts on a kdrama. jeno accompanying her on the couch moments later.

"hope you don't mind, I'm just continuing this drama I'm watching. it's the last episode" eunha says, glancing at jeno.
he shrugs, telling her he'll just watch whatever she watches.

the show plays and eunha takes a bite of her food, anticipating to see how her show ends. "what's it called?" jeno asks.

"youth of may. I know the ending will be sad but I still want to watch it- I've come a long way and I'm not dropping out now. I'm sure it'll be fine though."


youth of may spoilers ahead!
just in case you plan on
watching the show!

in the end, it wasn't fine.

in the middle of eating, eunha got too invested in her show as it got more emotional. half eaten pizza in hand, she stares at the tv with watery eyes and a blocked nose. she holds in sniffles as she watches myunghee trying her best to protect her younger brother from the soldiers.
although it was sad, considering jeno didn't know what led up to that situation, he didn't find the show to be that emotional.

at last, the character myunghee gets shot, her brother running away terrified and crying, not being to help his sister.
the pizza in eunha's hand drops to the plate and she starts bawling. too   emotionally invested in the show, she puts her plate down on the coffee table and sniffles, trying to breathe through her blocked nose.

she feels jeno wipe her tears away with his clean hand since he finished eating a while ago. the crying girl glances at him for a while with those glassy eyes before turning back to the tv, watching as her favorite character dies slowly while her boyfriend, heetae, stays completely unaware.

when the show finally finished, eunha is too sad to even finish her pizza. her nose was blocked, her fingers had pizza sauce on them, she couldn't breathe, and she was ugly crying.

"come on eunha, finish your pizza.. " jeno mutters, taking the plate of half eaten pizza in hand and trying to feed the crying girl. eunha nibbles on the pizza jeno feeds her but continues crying after chewing halfway. jeno continuously wipes her never ending tears with his clean hand and continues coaxing the girl to finish her pizza until he ends up finishing the last few bites instead.
the show is over and the credits play. the feeling of being overwhelmed dies down slowly and eunha starts laughing at herself while crying. tears were still streaming down her face followed by a mixture of laughs and cries followed by series of mumbles about 'how stupid she is'

"come on, time to wash your hands" jeno pulls the girl out of her seat and to the kitchen, helping her wash her hands like a five year old child.
"I'm sorry you had to witness all that-" eunha laughs in between cries. "growing older, I've suddenly got emotionally attached to all the shows I'm watching. one death scene and I'm ugly crying on the couch with my dog judging me" she sniffs with a chuckle while drying her hand with a towel, then wiping away her tears.

"it's alright. my sister cries a lot for the same reason too. although she usually starts bawling like a banshee as if her husband of 20 years just died"

eunha snorts and jeno, who had his face cringing in disgust just by the thought of his sister, smiles when he sees her laugh.
"this sounds weird but can I have a hug-? all the scenes are still replaying in my head and I don't want to ugly cry again"

jeno laughs softly and opens his arms, eunha immediately going in for a hug. "you feel squishy" eunha mutters, squeezing him in the hug a few times.

"are you calling me fat, eunha?"

"are you calling me fat, eunha?"

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"I really hope you were being sarcastic there" eunha mumbles in the hug.

"I was" he gently strokes her hair, one hand still placed on her back. "I know I'm very huggable"

jeno feels eunha hug him tighter. "you are indeed... very huggable"

"so are you"

"I know"

"we should hug more often, eun"

"one hug, five bucks. but since you're my best friend, three bucks"

"..... "

"it's called business. I'm a businesswoman, jeno. I need money"

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