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"faster. I'm close and I can tell you are too"

"I don't know anymore- I'm numb. I can't feel my legs"

"you're doing so well baby, I'm almost there"

"slow down, slow down"

"just a little bit more, come on"


ALL movement stops. legs sore and numb, she hops off falling to the dirty gym floor panting as her lungs cried for oxygen.
jeno hops off the bike with a happy smile and sweat dribbling down his forehead. he uses the towel hung over his neck to wipe the beads of sweat that began to drip on the floor. "that was amazing" he says while letting out a deep satisfied huff. his legs were burning and he probably burnt about 200 calories from biking. eunha, who was laying face down on the gym floor, lifted her head up to send jeno a snarl and an annoyed glare. legs too numb to feel, it felt like she just lost the lower half of her body.

"what" jeno asks, completely oblivious as to why he was receiving such a poisonous look.
"wHaT" she mocks him with a high pitched tone. "if I knew working out with you was this intense I would've stayed at home!"

"ah.. " jeno shakes his head disapprovingly with his eyes closed and lips pursed, moving over to squat down next to eunha's half dead body. his muscular build was enough to block out the sunlight that shone through the large windows in the gym.
"weren't you the one who complained about relatives body shaming you?"

"yes but-"

"and I am being the nice person I am to help you loose as much as you can healthily so that you can show off when you go back" he throws her a cute little bread smile. "this isn't even my full routine, " he pokes her sweaty cheek. "cutie"

with a groan, eunha slams her head back onto her hand that separated her from the floor. jeno slaps her back. "get up eun, the floor is filled with sweat and dirt" with all that muscle and hulk like strength that he had, jeno pulled her up effortlessly. the girl almost stumbles when she's brought back to her feet, muscles still sore from the hour long biking workout jeno made her do.

"I can see why none of your friends like working out with you" eunha says to him.
"first of all, I don't have that many friends in the first place and secondly, the friends that have worked out with me before usually end up ignoring me for two weeks. and since you're my girlfriend that has no way to ignore me for weeks.... I decided that I wanted to work out with you!" he throws in jazz hands excitedly. "this was in my bucket list but I guess I can cross it out now" jeno scrunches his nose cutely while the girl in front of his tries to murder him with her eyes.

"come on, let's just do a little bit more and I'll treat you ice cream. how bout that, hm?" jeno tilts his head to look at his girlfriend, throwing in a little pout to make himself more "irresistible" in this situation.

"... buy me bingsu" she mutters weakly, not sparing him a glance.

"deal~" jeno sings before sending her yet another back breaking slap to the back. a slap that was supposed to be more encouraging rather than painful.
"come on, we'll focus more on your arms now since legs probably aren't part of your vocabulary anymore" he walks off to the rack filled with dumbbells, the little wince of pain from eunha going unnoticed by him as he stands tall looking as if no workout could tire him.

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