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A FEW too many bottles of alcohol   turned the two young adults into a tipsy mess. they had continuously poured each other soju which ended up with them taking a bottle each for themselves. crying out their thoughts while chugging the alcohol, the apartment was filled with drunken yells and cussing.

it would be a real miracle if eunha doesn't end up with multiple noise complaints in the morning.


"that bitch made me feel so happy and safe when we would meet during lunch" eunha cries out, words almost an incoherent mess but still intelligible to the other drunken mess in front of her.

"and I even saved her from that stupid asshole who corned her at the karaoke bar. but I could never seem to make a big impression on her unlike that stupid dolphin" jeno yells out lazily, eyes half open and his body swaying around like seaweed underwater.

both of them chug on their soju again, drinking it like it was water and enjoying the burn of the alcohol against their throat.

head feeling heavy, eunha's head falls on the table with a loud thump. the sound doesn't even bother jeno at all, instead he yells out a loud "who's there?!" as if someone just knocked on his door. his eyes were closed but he was still looking around the house, trying to find something in the darkness behind his eyelids.

soft whimpers alert the drunken male who pauses his movements, closed eyes landing on eunha. opening his eyes slowly,  he sees the girl sniffling softly against the hard wood of the coffee   table. "eunha?" he mutters quietly. the soft sniffling somehow sobered him up a little, brain more alert than before. reaching over the table, he pokes her head a few times making the girl lift her head to look at him.
her nose was a soft red, along with a red patch on her forehead from banging it on the table earlier out of the blue.
"what's wrong?"

she sniffs, before answering. "what if this goes on and I really won't be able to find a lover in the future?" her lips trembled. "I mean I guess it's fine now since I'm still young and I still have a lot of time, but what if I keep getting rejected in the future because no one wants me??"
small beads of tears run down her face freely, finally escaping its glassy prison. jeno's eyes soften. "don't say that okay?"

eunha shakes her head. "I can't stop thinking about it." she sniffs a few more times before continuing. "I just want to know how it feels like to have someone who will be excited to see me everyday, somebody to cuddle with and go on dates with. all my friends have dated before and I was always third wheeling them, imagining myself with Korean actors because I'm just that fucking lonely" the girl lets her head fall on the coffee table again. at this point it shouldn't even be surprising if she finds an ugly bruise on her forehead in the morning.

jeno considers his choices for a moment, chewing his bottom lip slightly to help with the thinking.

"want a hug?"

eunha lifts her head, glassy eyes looking at jeno who sat cross legged with hands between his legs like a shy child. cheeks all rosy from the alcohol.
she ends up nodding and jeno scoots closer to her, bringing her into a hug letting her bury her face in his chest while he gently pet her back. "there there... it's all gonna be okay. I'll make sure you find someone who'll love you to death okay?"

eunha nods in his chest and the male smiles, moving to stroke her hair instead.

they stay in that position for a while until eunha goes quiet, jeno assuming she fell asleep after all that crying. gently pulling his head back to check, he's greeted by eunha staring blankly at nothing.
he spots the red patch on her forehead and tuts.

"you'll either bruise or swell up tomorrow morning if you continue banging your head on the table" he says, trying his best to form proper sentences when his mind was still floating around from all that alcohol. bringing his thumb to her forehead, he rubs it gently in circles. "I'm doing this so it doesn't swell up okay? I don't think you want to look like a beluga whale"

eunha doesn't say anything, just a slight nod and she let's jeno do his thing.

there's thick silence for a while, both their hearts beating in sync without them knowing.
jeno has been rubbing her forehead for a good estimated 3 minutes now and his thumb was getting tired. letting his working arm fall to the side limply to take a break, he stares at the girl who had her eyes locked on the tiled floor, presumably deep in thought or just spaced out.

something about the situation he was in made jeno feel like his heart was getting tickled by feathers. it had him gulping.
head moving slowly, eunha glances up at jeno, eyes locking with his.

staring into each other's eyes, blinking slowly, jeno's eyes slowly lower down to her lips. she mirror his actions, and it seems like the both of them wanted the same thing.
leaning in, jeno lets his lips gently collide with those of eunha's. it doesn't take long for her brain to even figure out what was going on, so she moves his lips along with his.

slow and gentle, that's how it went.

he brings one hand to her cheek, cupping it gently while the other snakes around her waist to pull her closer.
both her hands held onto his biceps tightly, not wanting to let go fearing that he might suddenly disappear if she did.

the taste of alcohol was strong against their lips, but that was the least of their worries. what mattered the most was the heat of the moment.

eunha's body began to fall back slowly, jeno's body following along until her back hits the floor. their lips continued moving against each other's, not separating for even a moment.

finally, just after a little longer of feeling their lips against each other, they open their eyes and smile.

"I'll make sure you don't feel lonely anymore" jeno mumbles out, body engulfing hers. he lets his body hit the floor, laying next to her. limbs tangling together, jeno pulls her into his chest once again, and they both fall asleep in each other's embrace, immediately.

just the warmth and each other's presence, was enough to ease their mind, letting them finally feel in peace.

tonight, they won't have to worry about being alone anymore.

how we feelin? ;p

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how we feelin? ;p

read this when you're lonely • lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now