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9.30PM rolls around and jeno puts on a jacket, sliding his shoes on and taking the spare keys eunha gave him along with his phone and wallet. "I'll be back soon. take care of the house okay doggy? "

the dog sits in the middle of the living room, smiling like always. she's waves a paw at jeno, otherwise saying that she will indeed take care of the house while he was gone.
jeno gives the dog a little closed lip smile. "good girl. I'll be going now."



u said ur shift ends
at 10pm right?

yeah. why 🤨

just asking.

u kinda sus ngl.....
are u gonna visit me?

hat's so nice of you





THE night air was colder than usual today. seems like the weather decided to finally cool down after a long scorching morning, although the temperature drop was indeed very unexpected. it was probably one of the coldest nights so far and it wasn't even close to winter.
jeno feels the leaves crunching under his shoes as he walks down the brick pavement. hands shoved in his pockets, he looked up at the dark sky that was littered with little shining stars. only a few stars in the sky shined the brightest that night. alas, he reaches the long row of shops with their banners illuminating soft whites in the darkness.

just outside the convenience store, jeno could see eunha at the cashier, scanning some girl's items with a big smile on her face. a smile usually given to friends rather than to strangers.
"thank you for coming da... som?" was what jeno could make out as he read her lips out of curiosity. said girl, presumably dasom, leaves the convenience store with a dull look and a bright red plastic bag in her right hand. her eyes were mostly glued to the ground until she notices jeno. her eyes trailed up until it met his and he gave an awkward smile at the sudden eye contact. "jeno?" she mutters is visible shock, the corners of her lips curling up slightly into a small smile. "what are you doing here?"
the male shifts his weight from one leg to another. "oh I'm waiting for eunha to finish her shift" he says with that same awkward smile.
dasom nods slightly with some kind of....disappointed look? "ah, you're gonna walk her home?"
the male smiles again but this time you could see the genuineness of it. how it seemed that the mere thought of that girl could make him smile. "yeah. I'm gonna walk her home"

"I see... I see. take care of her then" she mumbles out almost going unheard by jeno. "I will" he replies, continuing to hide in the shadows, waiting for eunha to finish her shift.

he pulls his phone from the pocket of his jeans.
five more minutes left.

jeno looks down at his feet, occasionally kicking the little pebbles on the ground while continuously shifting the weight on his legs. he hums and makes questionable jeno noises as he waits for the time to tick by.
finally he sees eunha packing up, peeking into some room and waving at someone inside before she grabs her bag and leaves.

with a smile, jeno walks towards the entrance just as eunha comes out, blocking her way and making her stumble back in surprise.

read this when you're lonely • lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now