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ON a sunny Saturday evening, jeno was sat on the couch, intently watching a horror movie while the dog was rolling about on the floor and eunha was doing god knows what in her room.

"don't go inside there you stupid bitch... he's literally behind the door ready to stab the jiggles outta you.. " jeno mutters as he leans in towards the tv, one arm on his lap while he was nibbling his nails on the other. as the eerie background music gets louder at every passing second, jeno misses the sound of the dog getting up on her feet and going into the bedroom.

"bloody hell why is she moving so slowl-"



jeno yelps, falling off the couch hearing the sound of both the dog barking and horror movie protagonist screaming at the same time.
"ow..." he winces, looking at his now red palm. "jeez why did that dog have to bark at the wrong time" he grumbles while getting up, dusting off his hands and walking to the bedroom where he hears the dog bark again. "hey doggy why are you barking so much it's really annoy-"

jeno stands at the entryway frozen.

there eunha laid on the floor face down, limbs sprawled out with the dog eagerly pushing its paw against her to get any sign of movement.

"eunha-" the male drops to his knees, crawling over to his girlfriend that laid motionless on the floor. "eunha eunha eunha" he chants over and over, picking her up and into his arms. when he catches a glimpse of her face, he jolts on the spot seeing how her eyes were wide open staring up at the ceiling.

"eunha?" he calls out softly.

"jeno please put me back on the floor, you interrupted my existential crisis" she mutters out, eyes moving to him.

"huh.. " he looks around the room and sees an open luggage bag with clothes stuffed inside neatly. jeno looks back and forth between his girlfriend and the luggage bag, gears in his brain turning slowly while throwing thousands of scenarios into his head. "a-are you leaving me?!"

"what-" eunha exclaims, sitting up properly on her own, crossed legged.

jeno points at the bag in front of her drawer, bottom lip jutting out into a pout as he gets sulky. "are you leaving me?"

the girl looks over her shoulder then back on jeno. "oh. pft no. " she waves her hand at him. "but I am going somewhere in a few days and I'll be gone for a week or two"


"jeno, stop stuttering like you're the main lead in a wattpad book who's gonna be adopted by Harry Styles"

"like wattpad in a huh?" jeno shakes his head ridding all the piling confusion. "okay aside from whatever the fuck you just said- what do you mean you'll be gone for a week? where are you going and can I come?"

he holds onto her hand, batting his eyelashes sweetly like a child begging their mother for candy.
eunha sighs and shales her head. "sorry jen, but I'm going back to Taiwan for family stuff. and you still have to attend school"

"man who cares about school"

"your mom"

"ah shit you got me there" jeno says while clicking his tongue, huffing as his back slouches more turning himself into a shrimp.

"but I'll be back as soon as I can alright?" eunha reassures the sulking boy with a comforting pat to the back. "in a blink of an eye, I'll be back"

"I'll blink as hard as I can the minute you leave then" he snickers until a hand harshly collides with the back of his head. he rubs the spot with a soft ow. "okay okay sorry-"

read this when you're lonely • lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now