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THE words had flew out of jeno's mouth so easily, he was basically just letting out all the trapped words that was confined in the back of his head waiting for release. a weight has been finally lifted off his chest and now he just had to anticipate the answer.

is it gonna be a yes or no?


jeno's eyes widened when he sees the girl with a now red cheek after slapping herself. "eunha-" he moves to cup her cheeks but pauses halfway, not sure if he should really do it.

"is this a dream?" was the first thing to come out of her mouth with a monotonous voice as she stared off into a distance. jeno doesn't even know if he should laugh or not at her statement. "i don't know about you, but this feels pretty real to me. you can even slap me if you need more proof" he says. "but not too hard please"

her gaze shifts back to him and he closes his eyes, embracing the impact but instead he feels arms around his waist and a head pressed against his chest. "even if this was a dream, I'll say yes to your question either way. so even if I woke up, at least I said what I wanted to say"

his breath hitches and naturally, his arms wrap around as well, returning the hug.

"so does this mean you're my girlfriend?" he mumbles out.

"no, it means I'm your dog"

jeno pulls himself away looking at her furrowed brows and parted lips, hands on her shoulder. the reaction was satisfactory and makes eunha laugh. "of course it means I'm your girlfriend dingus. what else would it mean"

"well you could've said it more properly.... I can be stupid sometimes"

he doesn't get an answer but instead he's given a cheeky grin. eyes turned to crescents and cheekbones prominent with a slight red blush, that's how she smiled at him.

he sighs. "give me your hand"

"why? are you gonna bite my fingers?"

jeno lets out a scoff, and places one hand on his hip. "me?" he gestures at himself. "bite your fingers?? why would I do that??"

she shrugs.

pinching his nose bridge, jeno lets out another deep sigh. "I love you but you make me question my sanity sometimes" he cups her cheeks and plays with the soft flesh, squishing and pinching them gently. "can't believe this is the same cutie that makes circumcision jokes"

"anyways" he clears his throat and takes one of her hand into his. "I have a lil something for you" hand shoving into the pocket of his pants, he pulls out the little ring, keeping it concealed from her sight. "close your eyes"

eunha does as told, closing her eyes and jeno smiles as he slips the beaded ring onto her ring finger. he sees how her forehead scrunches in confusion at the feeling. "you can open your eyes now"

eyes fluttering open, eunha sees the beaded ring placed perfectly on her ring finger. she brings her hand closer to her face to look at the ring more clearly. "this is so cute- where did you get it"

she hears jeno laughs cockily, head thrown back, tucking hair behind his ear. "I made it"

"you are indeed a talented man" she gives a thumbs up and he slings an arm over her shoulder. "thanks. now let's go home, girlfriend. I wanna cuddle with you because I can"


"wait. I want to bring you somewhere" eunha says as the elevator dings with them stepping out. "hm? but we just got back"

"it's a place in this building. now come on" with an arm wrapped around his waist, she drags jeno to the end of the hallway past her own home. at the end of the hallway was a cream coloured metal door that had had a neon green sign at the top with the word 'exit'
hand placed on the door knob, she opens the door and pulls jeno with her to step out.

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