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HEAVY eyelids, blankness carved into her drowsy face.

every step she took, forcefully dragging herself through the never ending long hallways sent an aching sensation surging through her legs. all she wanted to do was to drift off into a peaceful slumber with no disturbances - such as school. at this point she didn't even mind sleeping on the school floor.

but at last, eunha reaches her final destination after what seemed like an eternity.

first period - Science.

the very moment she slammed herself into her chair, her head instantly dropped onto her arms and she closed her eyes, sleeping as she'd craved.

class wouldn't start for another 20 minutes anyway, it was plenty of time to snatch some sleep before it did in fact begin.

jeno walks into the class about five minutes later. he was tired too, but thanks to the coffee jaemin brings him every morning, he felt slightly more energetic than everyone else there.

jeno spots eunha's sleeping figure at their table. head in her arms and not moving an inch, she was knocked out for sure. very carefully, jeno takes the seat next to her. opting to be as quiet as he can to not scare her awake.
jeno isnt somebody who particularly knows how eunha acts after waking up. what he does know though based on his own experience, is that he isn't keen on getting slapped or attacked.

minutes pass and the teacher hasn't come in yet. then half an hour passes, still no teacher.
"guess we don't have class today" jeno leans back in his seat, stretching his arms. he takes a glance at eunha who is still fast asleep. now he feels bored and his only friend is asleep.

what he doesn't expect next was for eunha's body to suddenly jolt. her head snapping up and looking around with evident embarrassment. she lets out a groan and scratches her head, dying from embarrassment.

"oh- jeno" she says when she finally notices him. the color in her face drains when she realizes that he definitely saw her randomly jolt in her sleep.

he looked at her, shocked. his brain still trying to process what just happened. it reminded him of that one time as a child when he went fishing with his dad. baby jeno caught a big fish, thought it was dead, poked it, Mr fish jolted up, scared baby jeno and it made him cry.

"you.. okay?" jeno manages to mutter out after recovering from the shock.

eunha cringes and nods. "yeah. just had that stupid dream where I tripped over a bucket. darn dream always jolts me awake... hate it when it happens in class" she covers her face with her long hair. "how embarrassing"

jeno rubs the side of her arm. "it's okay. I don't think anyone saw you. everyone's too caught up in their own conversation. even if they did, I don't think anyone cares anyway"

"I sure hope not... " eunha lets her head fall back onto the table dropping back into her arms, just laying there blinking slowly into the darkness.

jeno pokes her arm. "I'm bored. talk to me"
she turns her head. "I have nothing to say"

his lips press into a thin line and he rests his head in his arms as well; head tilted so that he could look at eunha. "then I'll start the conversation first. so, did you sleep well?"

she shakes her head. "my friends came over and we played resident evil for hours. fell asleep at 2am. now I feel like dying" eunha gives him a lazy smile with her eyes almost closing. "how about you, did you sleep well?"

"fell asleep easily because I was bored like hell last night" he sighs. "jaemin was busy with homework and my roommates were either working or out on a date" jeno cringes.

read this when you're lonely • lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now