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LIFE has been pretty good so far, eunha thinks. aside from the few part time jobs she took just so that she wouldn't go broke, things had been running smoothly from her school life going back to normal and jeno being, well, the most jeno he's ever been.
after working two part time jobs along with eunha just to sustain their simple life, it's safe to say that jeno has lost his mind; never having worked this hard in his life. he used to think the chores his mother made him do was torture but oh, he was so so wrong. adulting was hard and jeno just wanted to turn into a dog and get pampered by someone. (spoiler alert, he just wants to get pampered by eunha) with working 2 part time jobs while juggling school and school work (which he rarely did), jeno had been losing time to work out in the gym which he did not like at all. this resulted in him going to the gym at 11pm and coming home at 12am because he was just that desperate to exercise his muscles and destress.

but after months of working hard, jeno and eunha managed to get a week off from work.


the two young adults sat in the living room with eunha peacefully laying on jeno's lap scrolling through Instagram while the latter was busy watching tv. after watching some english series for a good hour, jeno begins to lose focus on whatever was displayed in front of him and his eyes begin to wander.

he sees some birds flying outside, he sees maya sleeping under the crack of sunlight by the balcony and luca was just chilling next to her. then jeno notices a very familiar ring on eunha's finger.

it was the beaded ring he made for her the day he confessed.

a little proud smirk etches at the corner of his lips when he reminisces the day he struggled to make those pretty rings for eunha. it was also the day he was judged by middle school girls who made 3 rings in the span of ten minutes.
the thought of those rings made jeno pull out his phone to check the date.

holy shit, it was almost their anniversary.

almost immediately, jeno turns off the TV and goes into a deep thinking mode. he sinks deeper into the couch with a concentrated face and his hands clasped together on his stomach.

when eunha notices the odd silence and lack of movement, she lifts her head and turns to look at jeno.

"you okay jen?"

"you're really pretty today" he says without even looking at her.

eunha's brows furrow in confusion. "okay?... " she shrugs it off as a jeno moment and her head finds comfort once again in laying atop jeno's lap.


while eunha was out walking the dog, jeno sits on the couch thinking hard about what he could do for their 3rd anniversary. eunha has made jeno a very happy man for the past 3 years by just existing and being by his side. he wanted to make their third year extra special so he looks through his phone for date ideas all while texting jaemin who was still single and only provides love knowledge he's learnt from the millions of kdramas he has watched over time.




imagine having a girlfriend




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