Ch. 9: Together

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"Are you okay?"

It's been ten minutes, and by now the tears have slowed. My back aches, and my head throbs along with my legs, but I couldn't care less.

This whole's messing me up, more than dad leaving had. It's making me realize how mentally hurt I am and have been without even realizing it; not talking to anyone but my family basically made me mute to others, while I only ever talked if I was annoyed, defensive, or couldn't help it. I may not be like Ben, but I certainly have problems of my own that I've only come to realize today, after watching a man get swallowed in pieces!

I've lost almost everything here, from my ability to keep calm, to the only stress relief I ever had besides my twin. And now I lost my cool, and Brooklyn probably hates me more than she did before.

I thought everyone did for me blowing up, until I hear Darius take a seat beside me and ask me the one question that didn't seem right for the situation.

I refrain from making a snarky reply, but I know I can't just not reply at all even though I really want to. I have to stop being quiet. I have to stop hiding my voice, especially now that all I have is a group of campers just as scared as I am.

Because the longer I'm silent, the more my emotions will boil until they overflow. Until I lose it on everyone.

"I don't know." I finally say after trying to find a good enough answer. I sniffle and wipe my nose.

Darius sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't help back there when everyone was arguing, I just-"

"It's not your fault I keep my emotions hidden until I lose it. I shouldn't have...I-I shouldn't have blown up like that; I'm the one who should be sorry."

"You shouldn't, though!" Darius argued. "You were right about everyone needing to get their heads out of their — and I quote — "butts" and work together."

I can't hide a watery giggle when he says butts.

"Because...because all we have is each other, and even if we don't survive, it's better to try than to just give up, right? No matter how scary it is?"

I think for a moment, before nodding.

Darius gently puts a hand in my shoulder, making me freeze.

"Look, we're all scared, and...I can't blame you or anyone else for their anger and fear right now because I feel the same way. But the only way to get over that fear and frustration, is by attacking the soul of those emotions. By confronting them. So...can we confront them together?"

He stands up and walks in front of me. I look up with shaky eyes, as he offers a hand paired with a gentle and friendly smile. A smile that reminds me of mom's.

He's right.

Even if it isn't just about the dinosaurs, I have to confront my fears and anger from where they're coming from.

Yeah, it's definitely not just about the island, I realize.

I take his hand.



"Alright guys, huddle up!"

Everyone's eyes land on me and Darius as we come back from where I'd cried, my confidence growing the longer I processed Darius' words to me. They all come around, Ben looking at me as if to ask if I was okay. I nod to him and smile, before Darius starts to talk again.

"I get it. It's scary. This wasn't how this trip was supposed to be; but you know, things aren't always gonna go our way! Life is messy, and sometimes...things fall apart."

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