Ch. 52: Hunting

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I just imagine Eye Of The Tiger playing over this chapters' sequences so that's why I have it linked lmao...

Enjoy some badass Blake Pincus!!

I set to work that morning.

Sure, maybe the bugs aren't as delectable as my twin might've suggested, but I manage to get used to the bitterness and crunchy texture eventually. It really isn't too bad when you eat a few dozen (plus, they actually sort of the taste like carob, which I really have missed).

After shoving those down, along with a few berries, I figure out what to do.

I've looked for over a week for my friends, and at this point, I may never find them if I'm not protecting myself. That's exactly how Ben managed to find us, so that is going to be my chosen tactic.

I find a river, which holds a nice clearing for me to use. There's a strange set up of broken sticks and dirty leaves, but I don't think twice about it and instead decide the materials would make for a great fort.

So, with as much of the little architectural experience as I had, I built myself a little loft.

It wasn't much, being honest.

All it was was a pile of leaves stacked under a little tent of sticks. It would do until I found the others.

Until then, I had to arm myself. Like Ben.

I find some sticks, though none of them prove to be a stable weapon. I try to use one for a staff, which fails. I also try to make a slingshot, which doesn't go well, either.

I'm starting to grow agitated and doubtful of what I'm doing, when I suddenly get an idea.

And, for the second time that day, Brooklyn actually helps me.

Thank God for that stupid add-clip of her in the "wild."

I work most of the day on my weapon of choice, which requires many...many...many sticks.

It's nightfall when I do finish, and I admire my handiwork.

The bow is made of strong wood I bent using a sharp rock. It was tricky, but I thankfully watched the ad of Brooklyn making this from scratch, so I managed. I then tie a thick rope of vine on the top and bottom parts of the make-shift bow, and make sure it snaps back just enough to work, but not too loose as to come undone easily.

That part took me six hours.

Then came to arrows.

With plentiful sharp rocks from the nearby stream, I carved sharp points in over five dozen sticks. I take a nap to reward myself for all my hard work.

Upon waking in the morning, I realize that I need something to hold the arrows.

A quiver, which I do not own nor have on me at the moment.

Or maybe...

An idea comes to my head a few hours later, after I wash in the stream and eat some bugs. I remember that my chest was still confined to the cage of bandaids from Mitch and Tiff's supplies. While it probably wasn't the best idea to take it off, I had to do something.

Yeah. I'm not the smartest sometimes, okay?

I do it anyway. Eventually, I come up with a temporary solution:

I sanded down and folded more wooden slants to work as a small funnel-tube thing. After doing that, I carefully remove my corset.

"How is it still so sticky? It's been weeks..." I mumble to myself. Indeed, the sticky substance of the material is still there. And it seems like it can still be last a while.

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