Ch. 39: The Plan

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We came up with a plan.

We all separated; Kenji to the motorbike left abandoned in the tunnels to find Darius and Sammy, Brooklyn staying in the lab, Ben, Bumpy and Yasmina going back to the garage to get another vehicle, and me...I went along, but I had a different role to play.

As I keyed up one of the garage's motorbikes, Ben came over and looked at me with doubt.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Blake? I'm sure Brooklyn can distract them just fine."

"It's just in case, Ben. Besides, I'm a beast on a bike, remember?" I smirk.

Ben shakes his head. "But a motorcycle isn't the same as a-"

"I'll be fine, Ben. I used to watch those motor game shows when I was eight, remember? I'm sure I'll be fine."

Ben was still doubtful, but didn't say anything else. He smiled at me and we hugged once again. I still could hardly believe he was was amazing!

After pulling away, I hop on the bike. Ben opens the garage door and hitches himself on Bumpy, while Yasmina hops into one of the cars. They both head out first, before I start going after, instead training myself on a different road than theirs.

Okay, so maybe this wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be...

By that, I mean I nearly crashed several times starting up. Not only that, but I was so used to there being petals that my feet moving to reach for what wasn't there shifted the bike and left it unbalanced a few times.

Eventually, though, I got the hang of it and started off down the road, slow but speedy.

The jungle stretching ahead sped past me faster the more confidence I grew. The bike became easier to control, probably because it really wasn't all that different from a bike. Back at home, I was always the one of Ben and I to dare to do stupid things on my bike. Of course, it occasionally ended in some broken bones and sprained wrists but...I was still skilled, okay!

Pressing on, I eventually caught a fork in the road. I stopped for a moment and smirked when I spotted two sets of faded footprints in the dirt road going forward.

I was close.

Starting it up again, I continued. I kept slower as to not make myself to loud and lose the surprise I so far had on our little "salvations."They thought Sammy and Darius were dead. They thought the rest of us were gone, out of the way. Oh, how wrong they were indeed...

It's when I heard their voices that I stop again. I'm close enough that I can see their shadows standing in front of the enormous prison-fence up ahead, shining in the moon's light. I used my feet to push me and the bike closer, but still far enough to keep them from seeing me.

I watched in amusement as Tiff went up and tried to grab the fence. The electricity, being back on, sent her flying back to the ground with a scream. It was hard not to laugh at the dumbassery of her action, even more so to her husband's zero attempts to help and instead laugh at her.

As she started pushing herself up, the park intercoms beeped and Brooklyn's voice filled the area. I smiled. It was almost time...

"What's good, Isla Nublar? Tonight, we've got a very special, very shocking, "Brooklyn unboxes live" going out to Mitch and Tiff. Kapow!"

Tiff pushed herself up fully to her feet and glares at the sky.

"And we've electrified the fences of bigger dinosaurs, because safety is our number one priority here at Jurassic World." The woman's moderator voice cracked and Brooklyn giggled as the intercoms beeped off.

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