Ch. 16: The Last Path

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We end up going into a red-lit tunnel below the main ground of the island, because it'll get us there faster and Yaz can't continue on her hurt leg for long. As for my injury, nobody seems to remember I have it, leading to me having to hide my whimpers and cries as I'm silently grieving for my lost brother.

Perhaps that's what they really were for? Not for the rib wound, but for the traumatic loss.

"This'll get us to the dock in half the time." Kon says as Brooklyn wraps one of Yasmina's arms around her.

"Are we sure 'Mr. VIP' knows where he's going?" The pink-haired girl says as we speed-walk through the tunnels.

"Kenji took me down here before; just trust him, we'll be outta here in no...time."

We stop at a corner where a gate blocks the rest of the way. We all give him stink-eyes, and he scoffs.

"Everything looks different down here with the lights all freaky like this, okay? This way!"

We end up at another barred hallway, making Kon angrier. "This wasn't here before!" He claims.

"Why are there so many security gates?"

"The evacuation." Darius gasps. "The park must be locking down automatically!"

"Ugh, we have to go around!" Kon huffs and turns down another hallway, calling for us to follow.

It only leads us to another barred corridor, followed by another, until we're all too tired to continue pacing. We end up in a hall full of lockers, where the girls are looking through for anything that can be of help. One of the ones Brooklyn opens drops an electric-shock stick, making her gasp.

"Oh! We can use this for-"

Kon interrupts her by snatching the stick from her hands, and trying to use it to shock the locked door open. It only backfires and sends him sprawled out on the floor. Brooklyn picks it back up and shrugs.

"A walking stick." She finishes.

She hands it to Yaz, who uses it like a crutch to help her walk.

We continue walking until we once again reach a barred hallway, where we're all growing angry. Me especially, since my injuries are starting to grow more painful with every step I take.

"Ugh, Kenji!" I groan. "Why do you keep leading us down the wrong hallways?"

He narrows his eyes on me. "I'm sorry I didn't know they had protocol for locking down the stupid park! Why do you have to be so catty, all of a sudden?"

I scoff. "Oh, I'm sorry today hasn't exactly been bearable! Maybe it's because we were nearly eaten by a psychotic dinosaur nearly a dozen times! Oh, or maybe it's because I had to watch someone get torn to pieces before falling and bruising my fucking ribs! Actually, scratch that, it's probably because it's of the fact that I had to watch my twin brother get grabbed out of a train by a man-eating bird-lizard and was one of the only ones actually trying to save him, only to watch him fall away from me screaming as those bird-things started flying after him; then had to lose what I like to consider my dinosaur child and watch as everyone ignores me for the millionth time today!"

Everything got quiet, save for my erratic breathing and sob-filled coughs. They all looked at me with wide, surprised eyes.

And for that moment, just that moment, I was actually fine with the fact that I blew up.

Because it seemed like nobody could pay attention to me otherwise.

Kon stepped forward. "Blake, I-"

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