Ch. 41: Home

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We were surprised to have apparently been the first of the campers the have made it to the docks first (where were Kon and Brooklyn?) and even more so when we spotted Tiff limp-running through the dock gates. How had she gotten ahead of us? Where was Mitch?

"Hurry, she's getting to the boat!"

Bumpy ran as far as her legs could carry her, squealing and roaring. Tiff didn't look back at us as she leapt onto the boat, just as we got through the gates.

So close, so close, so close...

Bumpy was meer feet away when the boat started to move, the rope tying it to an anvil on the docks pulling the metal lump out of place. The campers screamed as we came to a stop, the boat speeding away.

We were too late.

"I'm outta here!" Tiff cried, thrillfully and mocking. "And you're never getting off this God awful island!"

We all hopped off Bumpy and stood at the edge of the dock, watching her point accusingly at us from her boat's balcony.

"In fact, I'm going back, and I'm not telling anyone you're here! You're not going anywhere, you little brats!"

The boat hit the main land, causing her to trip over herself. She regained balance and waved one last time, before heading into the boat's cockpit.

The boat disappeared around the corner of the island. She was gone.

We were trapped.

"No..." I whispered, tears coming to my eyes. We'd been so close to going home, to seeing mom again.

We'd been so, so close.

We heard the sound of a motor slow, and a few moments later Kon and Brooklyn came dashing down the deck.

"We would've been here sooner if I had been driving." Brooklyn said, nudging Kon who scoffed.

"I didn't-"

"Guys...she's gone."

The two stopped.


"Tiff got to the boat. She's...she's gone." Darius whispered hoarsely. "We're stuck."

Brooklyn and Kon's shoulders fell and their faces with them. I hugged myself and felt tears sting in my eyes. Ben pulled me into a hug, holding me close.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay."

I sniffed.

"But we're trapped here, Ben. We're...we're never gonna see mom again. We-We failed, we're-"

"We're going home."

Ben and I look up to see the others watching a tired, worn Darius, standing resolutely at the end of the dock. He watched the waves crash against each other, the clouds twirl slowly around each other. His fists clenched, and he grew tall and stone.

"It's time we stop waiting for someone to come save us." He said. "We're getting out of here ourselves."


It's sunset by the time we reach camp.

Everyone's exhausted and sore, and the sight of the trash sight we've called our home for weeks only adds to the pain. Since Ben's never been here, though, he's actually quite excited.

"Wow, Bumps." He awes as we approach the treehouse. "Could've used something like this when we were out there, huh?"

"What exactly did you use for shelter?" Yasmina asks.

Ben shrugs. "A couple of leaves and sticks for a tent. It...wasn't much, but..."

He looks over at Bumpy, giving her a look of regret, which confused me. But then he looked away, and a smile reappeared.

"It worked. This'll probably be better; although I'm not exactly sure if I can get Bumpy to fit up there."

Oh, right, that's an issue...

"Just come up with us for now." Brooklyn said. "Bumpy will be fine."

Ben frowned, obviously not liking the idea of leaving Bumpy down here alone. I admit that I'm not fond of it myself, but she's a dinosaur, she'll be okay.

"Come on, Ben, she'll be okay."

Ben said goodbye to Bumpy, who laid down at the base of the tree, and followed us up the ladder.


Ben's fingers strum the length of my guitar, eyes looking down the scratched wood. The others were gathered in the kitchen area, conversing among themselves while I showed Ben around.

"I can't believe this survived the Indominous." He mused quietly, and I laugh.

"Me neither. My journal didn't get so lucky, but...still somewhat okay."

I show him my tattered song book and let him flip through it, before stuffing it back under my pillow. Ben sits down on my bed and I sit beside him, a dull, quiet tension between us.

The sun smoothly fades until the moon becomes the only source of natural light. The trees around us turn to dark, looming figures, and the sounds of crickets and cicadas overcomes that of the day noises.

It grows quiet and calm. But I don't allow myself to take it for granted, as I know there are dangers, monsters, lurking somewhere out there.

After a while, Ben breaks the silence in the most unexpected way.

He starts to cry.

I look over at the first choked sob, and my eyes widen when I see tears falling from his eyes, his cheeks reddening.

"Ben? Ben, are you-"

Ben suddenly lunges at me and wraps his arms around me tight, binding my arms securely to my sides. I stare at him in shock, watching his tears soak into my shirt. He clutches me tight, and when I finally get over my shock I reach up to pet his head softly.

His crying grows louder, which eventually brings the other campers over.

They surround us, looking at Ben with worried eyes.

"Ben? Are you okay?"

Ben takes a breath and finally pulls away. He wipes his nose with the bark on his wrists and shakes himself off. His face is still tainted pink, and tracks still line his cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry." He mutters. I want to hug him again but refrain. "I-I just...I thought I'd never see you guys again. I thought I was on my own, but...but you're here, and...and I'm not alone anymore."

"Oh, Ben!"

I pull him back to my chest while everyone else hops on the bed and pulls us both into one big giant camp-fam hug. Most of us, including Ben and I, are crying and keeping each other close as tight as can be managed.

For once I don't mind the spark in my chest brought by the lack of space.

I feel safe.

I feel happy.

I feel home.

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