Ch. 11: Welcome To Jurassic World

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We were all chasing after the man, now outside the lab, who was running for our van. He didn't seem at all fazed by the fact that he was leaving a bunch of defenseless kids alone, only caring for himself.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Darius shouted.

"Getting out of here alive!" The man shouted back. He jumped into the van, ignoring our desperate shouts and calls for him to stop. Yasmina, being the fastest of us all, started getting ahead to stop him.

But then Bumpy suddenly ran in front of her, tripping her.

"Ow!" She glared at Bumpy, before getting back up and running for the van.

Before she could reach it, the man drove forward past her and us and racing away towards the jungle. We all followed, my legs growing sore and my back screaming at me to stop.

I was about to just give in to the pain and fall over, but then the Indominous suddenly came running out of the jungle and rammed into the van. Everyone screamed, and Ben fell back into me and slammed me back like a set of dominoes. I felt instant pain flash through my spine and chest as I hit the ground, Ben on top of me.

I feel my breath leave me, and suddenly everything around me is blurry. All I see are green blobs covering a large blue one above me, and a few colorful ones I know are the campers and my brother. Noises are muffled, a ringing screams in my ears like a giant bell crying in my skull.

Black dots spot my vision, and I feel my world begin to go dark.



"Our ranch was in people...didn't know...Mantah Corp..."

My ears were picking up muffled sounds and occasional words. I could vaguely tell the voice of those words belonged to Sammy, though it was hard to make out much more with the continuous, thundering ringing in my head.

"...lose everything...I spied for them..."

Wait? Sammy was a spy?

What the hell did I miss!

"Use the behind-the...get at from...lab, and...dinos...else they needed. But then Brooklyn...I got scared...everything went wrong!"

I caught on to most of the explanation, though it was still vague snippets. I didn't know exactly how to feel about this, or if I should feel angry at her for what she's been doing since we got here. One things clear to me, however: she was doing it to protect her family.

So, despite her plans for sabotaging the park, I could at least feel some sympathy and understanding for the situation. God knows what I'd do to keep mine safe!

"Last thing happen!"

Yaz's voice started talking, though I was mainly focused on more of my senses growing stronger. First, I felt movement in my hand and fingers, which twitched slightly.

Next, my smell, which unfortunately was a strong scent of dino shit or something of the kind. I grimaced and groaned, and suddenly, the talking grew quiet. I groaned again when I felt someone grab me and pull me close, and by the size of their hands, I realized it was Ben.

"-lake? Blake?"

My hearing finally came to full strength again, and the sound of everyone's breaths near me made me shiver. Finally, I decided to open my eyes, and the sight that greeted me was the face of my twin and my — friends? Fellow campers? — group staring with worried eyes down at me.

Welcome To Jurassic HellWhere stories live. Discover now