Ch. 62: Whatever It Takes

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The woman repeats the order she'd made only a minute ago. Kenji, above us on the upper deck, is jumping and cheering.

"Yes, yes, yes! We're saved!"

"Are we?" I ask Ben, to which he merely shrugs. Darius calls for Kenji to wait, but it's too late, as the guy is already back in the cabin making to return to the dock. We all quickly climb the latter and follow him up. Darius quickly pulls the engine off again just as Kenji prepares to turn around.

"I'm not exactly getting good guy vibes from these guy, Kenji," he says.

"Yeah, unmarked chopper, big, scary guns..." Yaz gestures back outside.

Kenji scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, what would you bring to rescue kids from an island full of killer dinosaurs? Cake?"

Ben and I, again, shrug.

"He's got a point," I say. Just then, a roll of Thunder claps through the sky, frightening us into looking out at the raging ocean.

"The sea is pretty rough," Sammy calls out the obvious. But she is right in that it might not be the best idea ignoring these helicopter guys and going out into the storm.

I can see Darius battling with his inner thoughts. His hand still rests on the lever, though it twitches as he contemplates.

"Alright, then," he finally nods. "We take our chances with the people in the helicopters?"

There doesn't need to be words said to put the only good option out to debate. With the bad storm, we all know it'd be best to risk whomever these people were that had just suddenly showed up out of nowhere.

Darius releases his grip on the engine, and allows Kenji to proceed.

The boat spins around, creating its own waves that merge with those of the thrashing seas. Kenji steers us back toward the cement dock, where Brooklyn leaps off and ties the vehicle back down. The chopper whirl above us in flashes of light that reflect off the raindrops coming down. It comes to a swift landing, the door sliding open, and an intimidating guy holding a gun hops out. We all run to meet up with him.

"What are you kids doing out here?" The guy shouts at us. But he doesn't stop us and gestures us to get into the helicopter.

"Long story," I chuckle. "Way too long to tell, right now."

I hop on next to Ben, who's already buckled up securely.

"Wait," he pauses. "If you're not here to rescue us, then what are you doing out here?"

Kenji slides in and pushes me up against my brother, barely allowing me to strap myself into the seat next to him. Sammy jumps in next.

Before the woman in the pilot seat, or the guy with the gun outside, can answer the admittedly good question, a loud roar breaks through the sound of the storm.

My stomach practically bursts open as a familiar, large dinosaur stomps in front of us, it's jaws unhinged, and it's small arms flaring it's sharp claws.

The T-Rex.

The woman screams, and before I realize it, we're being pulled up into the air. Sammy and Kenji fall down at the abrupt movement, and I look down at where the rest of our friends are still abandoned on the dock.

"What the hell are you doing?" I scream.

The T-Rex reaches up, it's teeth catching onto the bottom railing and pulling hard. We scream as Sammy falls and nearly plummets out to her death. Kenji barely just manages to catch her, and Ben and I quickly unlatch our restraints to help them. The dinosaur loses its grip, and we go flying back. I grab Ben just before he can fall out the other side, and we all hang on for dear life as the helicopter rushes forward and turns. The woman begins to descend, making to let her partner and our friends come in, but that plan quickly dissipates.

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