Ch. 65: Stay On Mission

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"So if you're here, and Brooklyn and the bad guys exit the jungle there, then the rest of us should hide over here."

Ben and I both nod in agreement with Darius' plan.

"If your plan turns out as good as this model, we're in great shape."

I look up from said model Ben was talking about to Darius with a reassuring smile.

"Which I'm sure it will be."

"Great shape? Are you kidding?"

We all look up at Kenji, who's standing above us and glaring as if we'd stolen all his spare cash or some shit. My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What if they figure out we messed with the laptop?" Kenji says, waving his hands. "What happens to Brooklyn then?"

"They won't," Darius tries to calm him. I can see my boyfriend (BOYFRIEND!!! Ahhh!) tense up and his fists clench against the ground. "Before Dr. Wu even gets a chance to boot up the laptop..."

"Blake and I will come in with a distraction," Ben states proudly. "It's kind of our thing, now. Mostly mine. But our."

I smack him on the shoulder playfully as he chuckles.

"While the rest of us rescue Brooklyn. After that, he head to the boat and get the heck off this island once and for all."

Despite the well-thought out plan that had just been explained, the spoiled kid still crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Sure, what could go wrong, except, I don't know, everything?"

"Not if we all stick to the plan," I say calmly. I push myself up to my feet and approach the fuming boy with as much care as I can, despite being annoyed at him. I know he's just worried, after all, though it's weird that he's so protective of Brooklyn all of a sudden. I lay a hand on Kenji's shoulder and squeeze gently, similar to what he'd done with Sammy a few hours ago. "Don't worry, Kenj, we'll get her back. As long as we all work together we will rescue her and stop Wu."

He didn't say anything back, only looking away with narrowed, still frustrated eyes.

Darius started to take all of his sticks and rocks and shift them around.

"Now, come on, help me find the fastest route to that helicopter."

As I kneel back down next to my brother, I can see Kenji huff out of the corner of my eye.


Ben and I headed out early to round up some help from Bumpy and her newfound family. Currently, the three of us stood at the top of a hill, Bumpy swaying her head back and forth between us. I giggle as she bumps me sideways, while Ben snorts and runs his hand over her head.

Under the hill, sits a large field, where we can see the helicopter planted firmly. I swallow a large stone pulsing on my tongue as I try to calm myself and ready for what was going to happen.

"You okay, Bee?" Ben asks.

I give him an unsure smile.

"Yeah, just...nervous. What if...what if Kenji was right? What if we-"

"Hey, don't worry now that we're already here," Ben tells me. "We're going to be fine. Brooklyn is going to be fine. As long as we stick with the plan, this is going to work. In a few hours we'll be in the middle of the ocean, and Wu will have nothing."

I sigh, feeling slightly uplifted by my brother's words of comfort. I feel a small ounce of guilt boil up in me for even barely doubting my boyfriend.

"You're right, I need to trust that Darius knows what he's doing. This will work. It has to."

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