Ch. 47: Safe Harbor

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A/N: Sorry, it's been a while, I know! I apologize and hope I can start uploading more frequently, but school is getting a lot busier and therefore keeping me from writing. Anyways, I apologize that this chapter is a lot shorter than usual, and that there are most likely a lot of mistakes since I didn't edit. I could wait to upload, lol.

Thank you, and enjoy!

"Careful everyone." Darius warned. "For all we know, Tiff is still in there."

One at a time, each of us hopped into the shore and started swimming for a the boat. I was wary at first, but eventually felt my courage expanding the further out of land I got and the closer to the yacht I became. We all eventually reached the deck of the ship, Ben hopping up first to look around, before signaling us to follow.

I joined Sammy and Darius in exploring the top deck. We pulled our way up the latter onto the second floor, being cautious as we did so. While the other two started pulling themselves up, I began to walk about the area.

It was viciously quiet and still on the boat. Nothing seemed to move, nothing seemed alive. The whole thing was just...dead. It was freaky.

I found the door of the captain's cabin and debated on what to do. Should I check it out? Should I wait for the others? I decided to swallow my selfish pride and go. My feet carried me quietly up to the door, and so winced every time I heard a small drop of water from my swimsuit hit the floor. Nothing seemed to become alert to the noise, though, so I took it as a good sign.

Finally I reached the door. The door that I now realized only consisted of a doorway, the actual blockade itself having been knocked off its hinges and tossed aside from some unknown force. Dents and claw marks in the surface led me to conclude that Tiff might've had some visitors.

I didn't really think about it at first. Not until...well...

Tiff's disappearance was immediately explained as soon as I peeked into the room. With barely a few moments to spare, I was sprinting away to the edge of the deck, where I bent half of my upper body down over the railing and got rid of my breakfast in the ocean. The vomit was almost constant, and lasted a good thirty seconds before my stomach decided to forget the horrendous sight I'd just witnessed.

"Blake? Bee, are you okay?"

Ben's below me on the first floor, looking up at me in concern. I try to give him a thumbs up, only to remember the bodiless hand I'd had the pleasure of finding clutching to the steering wheel of the yacht. Nail polish chipped, skin pale and cracking. I once again threw up.

"Blake, what's wrong?"

Darius appeared behind me, rubbing my back in consol.


He couldn't ask whatever he was going to, because he was pushed away by Sammy. She appeared beside me and proceeding to get in the same position I was in. She generously donated her own guts to the sea.


Yasmina appeared then down below, along with Kenji. She was watching Sammy in fear and horror.

"D-Don't worry, y'all, I'm..." she groaned. "F-Fine."

"You could say that again..." I whispered.


Everyone except Ben was given the chance to hurl overboard. My brother simply looked uneased by the sight of what remained of Tiff and the inside of the quarters. Six or so months ago, the old Ben would've passed out — or, more likely, have died from a heart attack. Seeing him easily shake the image off made me uncomfortable.

It shouldn't, though, because he'd gotten over his germaphobe issues and his fear of everything. I should be proud that he'd finally managed to push away the trauma dad had left on him.

Then...why wasn't I?

We all eventually settled down and went back to the first deck. Ben came down a few moments later, telling us the boat was almost out of gas, but everything else seemed in tact.

"Well, if we get to the south dock, we might be able to find more gas there."

"Yeah, but that requires someone going in the Captain's quarters and driving the yacht." Sammy visibly turned green. "And I don't I can stomach that visual again."

Darius winced, turning to everyone else. I shake my head quickly. Yasmina steps back and frowns. Sammy yelps and hides behind her. Kenji grimaces.

"Now, my dad does have a Yacht Membership Club, but...I think I'm with Sammy on this."

"But if you can drive-"

Ben scoffed and stepped in.

"I'll do it." He volunteered.

"Ben, are you sure? What about all of...y'know?"

My brother shrugs. "It's really no big deal. I'm fine now, I can handle it."

"But you don't know how to drive a yacht."

"Kenji can tell me from outside the room. I'll just listen to his instructions."

Everyone, even Kenji himself, stares at him. They all blink.

"You're gonna trust Kenji? With giving you instructions?"

"He's the only one here who seems to know how to control it. Worse comes to worse, we lose the boat and get trapped on the island for another six months. Or...longer."

"Well then, Oh trusted Captain, let us head to sea!"

As Kenji headed up the ladder, I turn to Ben.

"I think I'm going to go back to shore and meet you guys there with Bumpy. I can't stand being on here another second without thinking of Tiff."

"You shouldn't go by yourself, maybe I can-"

"I'll go!" Darius shouted, then quickly melted down awkwardly. "Um...I-I can go with you, Blake, if that's fine."

I groan. "Ben, I can take care of myself."

But one look at his disagreeing expression reminds me of yesterday. Reminds me of every time I almost got myself killed, and someone else had to save me. Reminds me of how useless I was and am. Wouldn't it be better off if I went by myself? If I died, I wouldn't be a problem anymore. And I couldn't put my best friend at risk. The friend who I, as of currently, have a stupid crush on. That alone made me want to say no.

But I look over at Darius, pleading me with his eyes, and I can't say those two letters. I can't argue with those soul-crushing eyes!

"I-Okay, I'll take you with me."

A bright smile on Darius' face almost gets rid of the dark cloud in my head.

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