Ch. 58: Car Crash

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They're closing in when I finally get my common sense back.

With speed I didn't even know I had, I quickly bend back down to pick up the arrow I had dropped and pull it back into my bow. Without hesitation, I send it flying into this new-Scorpius Rex' skull. It cries out and falls back, giving me time to launch another one into the older one's chest.

"Go!" I scream, and we all bolt while the dinosaurs are distracted.

We only make it far enough to reach a clearing before they catch back up, surrounding us.

Our backs all press together as they circle us, and I load another arrow.

"Will you ever learn to stop fucking around with me, you lizard?" I shout, shooting the arrow at my older nemesis.

It missed, just barely. The thing hisses at me as if daring me to try again, though I'm not sure I want to take that chance.

Only four more arrows left of the ten I'd grabbed when chasing down Yaz.

They needed to be spared.

"I don't think insulting them helps, Bee!" Ben berates me.

"Well your spear would come in really handy right about now, dipshit! I don't see you trying anything!"

"I left it back at camp! Sorry for not planning on being attacked by two Scorpius Rexes!"

Darius, who's hand was in mine (which I wanted to appreciate but didn't have the time to), yelled at us to shut up. "Now isn't the time for sibling banter," he told us.

I just smirked. "But there always is!"

Just before I could load another arrow, the two dinosaurs suddenly raced forward and leapt.

It was an unexpected turn of events that they started fighting. One took the other by the throat and threw it to the ground, but that one wouldn't have that so it kicked the other and jumped back up to attack.

And we were right in the middle of it.

All three of us had to duck and maneuver through the chaos of giant feet threatening to pound us into the ground. At one point I had to roll away, and watched in horror as one dinosaur smashed its foot down where Darius just barely crawled away from.


"Guys, over here!"

I see Ben pointing behind me at a — wait, what the hell is a limo doing here?

I don't have time to be confused, and just follow my brother into the backseat.

Of course it happens to be me who gets stuck in the middle, with Darius immediately buckling himself in on my right, Ben not doing that on my left.

Ben and I stare at Darius as he clips the seatbelt in.


The car suddenly starts to move and slam around.

Maybe Darius kinda had the right idea-

Ben clips his seatbelt in, while I find that I don't have one, because of course that's my luck.

The car gets smashed around rather wildly as we scream and hold on for fear life. Since I don't get the honor of a fucking seatbelt, I use my bow to slam into the bottom of the vehicle.

"What are you doing?" Ben screams.


I get it wedged in the floor of the limo and hang on as the car began to roll.

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