Ch. 55: Scorpius Rex

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The rain's stopped by the time darkness completely comes in. We all work together to stabilize the fence as best as we can, using wooden planks, tires, and other items to do so.

Bumpy showed up at some point, letting us have yet another happy-sad reunion moment.

It didn't last too long, though.

Ben came out to join us, when, all of a sudden, a flash of lightning and roll of thunder pierced the cloudy sky. Bumpy was startled and let out a rumbling roar. Ben and I barely managed to duck as the dino swung around and her tail whisked through the air where we once were.

Despite our attempts at calming her, Bumpy released another cry, and started for the jungle.

"Bumpy!" We both screamed. But she didn't stop, disappearing into the trees.

There was another roar.

Everyone froze.

That wasn't Bumpy's roar.

It wasn't even really a roar, and more of a howl.

The effect was instantaneous; all of us made for the treehouse, Bumpy basically forgotten, grabbing whatever we could and hiding. I brought my quiver of arrows back over my shoulders and grabbed my bow, while Ben held his staff and took a fighting stance right beside me.

It started to rain again, but not by much. Barely even sprinkling.

Thunder and lightning shook the air and left us all stuck under the roof of our safe haven. All was silent, save for the sparks coming from the electric box set up to electrify the fence.

There was a sudden growl that deafened me. It wasn't like anything I'd ever heard.

It wasn't because it was loud, but it felt more...predatory, strangely. It sent horrific chills down every part of my body, and chilled my blood to the point of freezing it. The growl was low and intense.

Nothing like any other dinosaur I'd ever confronted.

That's when I spotted it: a figure through the rain. Said rain was now speeding up, making it all the more difficult to see through it.

Then there was clicking.

More thunder.




The rain on the island wasn't cold. In fact, it only added to the painful humidity of the place. But my throat still managed to freeze up, and my lungs couldn't move, couldn't take in any air. The tension was so, so thick that it felt like my entire body was engulfed in it.

There was another one of those sickening growls, and I spotted it's shadow growing ever closer.

My hands closed around my bow, and I could almost hear the way it cracked and whimpered under the grip.

I could hear Sammy, holding a shovel to her chest, as she whispered, "Maybe it won't see us."

My eyes couldn't leave the dinosaur as it tempted towards the fence, where it sent out a fit of shocks that merged with its scales. The dinosaur cried out in pain and roared into the rain.

Now, the tears of the clouds were screaming as they hit the ground. It was almost louder than the Indominous.

But the Scorpius was even louder.

An ear-piercing roar of anger startled me, and brought up a series of whimpers and shaky breaths from everyone around me. We all moved forward to cluster together in the middle, where I felt a lot less exposed and safe.

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