Chapter 77: On The Edge

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TW: Suicide Attempt, please take caution y'all ❤️

After what happened last night, I understand Ben not letting Darius within five feet of me. I really do. But it's getting ridiculous. Almost as soon as I woke up I saw Ben guarding the open doorway of our room, keeping Darius out and glaring him down.

"If you want to talk to her you have to go through me, first," my brother growled. It was honestly uncomfortable and upsetting to watch, considering how close the two usually seemed. They weren't exactly as close as Ben and I alone, or Darius and I alone, but I thought they had a strong bond. So this wasn't fun to watch.

"Ben, I'm sorry for...what I said, it was horrible and I get that you're angry. Just let me-"

Ben slammed the door in his face.

"Ben..." I sigh, pushing myself up. His eyes are hard and full of rage that I would never had expected in old Ben. I'm careful and gentle as I come up to him. "I said some awful things, too. It's not all on him."


"Ben," I repeat, more stern. "You know he didn't mean anything he said. And I...I didn't either. If anything I fucked up, not him. I shouldn't have said...when all he's...when all he's ever done is protect all of us and kept us safe. He was right to say what he did."

"No, he wasn't," Ben quickly argued. "He blamed you for being untrusting because of dad, when he...he should've understood."

"But that's the thing, Ben, he couldn't. His father was kind and present for him, he's never experienced the aftermath of being abandoned and left behind by your own parent. I don't blame him for not getting it, which is more than I can say for what I said."

"You didn't mean it, Bee."

"He didn't either. Please...Please don't be mad at him, okay? I hate seeing you upset."

Ben bites his bottom lip. There's clear uneasy tension hovering in the air, floating, sticking to it like gum below a desk. It left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Bee, I...I don't want to be mad, but-"

"Just try, please?" I softly beg. I then pull him into a gentle hug. "For me?"

Before he can answer, I leave the room, forcing back tears of guilt and self hate. I couldn't wait much longer if I wanted to get it over with. I'd have to do it soon.

Before then, though, the voices of Darius and Dr. Turner catch my ear. I stop where I am in the hallway and carefully peak around the corner, instantly spotting the others passed out around the coffee table, covered in playing cards, and the other two closer and by the kitchen, Yaz near Dr. Turner's desk fast asleep with a tablet in her hands.

I can see the woman handing him a large black thing, but their bodies cover it from view, so I can't distinctly identify what it is.

"Are-Are you sure?" Darius says. "It's yours, I-I mean-"

"Eh, I haven't had any time to use it anyway. Besides, it's clear you two need it more than I do."

"Still...I don't want to steal it or anything."

"You aren't," Dr. Turner assured him. She puts a hand on his shoulder that is me swallowing stones, but this time, it's more out of confusion than distrust or anger. Sure, I still don't trust her all that well, but there isn't a single hint of deception in her gaze or stance. Just...genuineness. "I'm giving it to you, so you can give it to-"

Just then, I hear a sharp gasp and the sound of something clattering to the floor. My eyes shift over to Yaz, who's woken up suddenly and is visibly shaking. I don't even need to ask to know, but I approach her anyways.

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