Ch. 40: Rescue

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All things considered, at least I'd tried, right?

Sure, maybe it had ended up in Mitch dragging me back to a pissed Tiff who'd almost killed me after regaining her weapon (Mitch had convinced her not to, though I still don't understand how or why, as I was of no use to them), but at least I'd managed to distract them hopefully long enough for Ben and the others to chase the dinos out of the clearing.

It was also likely that Brooklyn could see them dragging me along with them through her security cameras, and probably notified them of my predicament.



As of now, I'd just have to hope to hell I'd get rescued from these kidnapping Dino-murderers. It didn't help that my chest was aching, nor that my hands were bound behind my back with a strip of vine. It wasn't thick, nor was it exactly tied well, but the fact that they had thought of me enough as a threat to have to do as much made my situation all the more frightening, but also gave me a sense of pride.

"Are we almost there, Babe?" Mitch stood behind me, holding his gun against my back as he kept me at pace with his wife, who was in front of me with her own gun slung over her shoulder and tablet in her face.

"If you'd stop asking, we would be there now!"

"Or we would be there if a certain someone hadn't gotten in our way." I felt Mitch's eyes, cold and judging, on my head, and I shiver. The man pushes his gun further into my back and I wince.

"You know..." Mitch said after a minute. "I'm wondering if it wasn't just you doing that. Tell me, are Darius and that other girl still alive? They must be if-"

"Why do you care? All you want is to kill dinosaurs, not kids."

"You kids are becoming a real pain in our sides. I wouldn't want to hurt you if you'd stay out of my way!"

"We wouldn't be in it if you weren't attacking them, making them your trophies like you seemingly have to other animals. Poachers like you are what-"

"We're not poachers, Kid." Mitch scoffed. "We're collectors. Now shut up before I find something to gag you with."

I did as he told and continued walking silently, feeling fear creep up my spine every time I felt the gun jab into my back. The trees eventually broke and welcomed us to a beautiful view of a sunrise glazing over the valley of a beautiful meadow. Of the watering hole.

As beautiful as it was, there was one thing it was missing.


There were none to be seen.

They'd done it, they'd gotten them out!

"What the- where are the dinosaurs!"

Mitch pushed me aside and walked over to the overlooking cliff. Tiff followed, and I silently walked beside her with a small smirk falling on my lips.

The valley was completely empty.

Everyone and everything was gone.

Now there was a new problem...

"Where the hell are they?"

I yelp as I'm thrown roughly to the earth by a very, very angry Tiff. Mitch doesn't stop her from lashing out this time, letting her lean down and grip onto my collar tightly, painfully. She brings my face up to hers, glaring bullets into my eyes.

"Where are the dinosaurs?" She demands. As scared as I feel, I don't let it show. I narrow my eyes.

"I don't know! Maybe this isn't the right watering hole Darius was talking about."

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