Ch. 15: Alone

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A/N: So just in case y'all get weird about this, Blake kinda gets poetic and detailed in her thoughts. This isn't a typical thing for thirteen year olds, so this is probably pretty inaccurate.

But so are dinosaurs coming back to life and becoming a theme park, so who really cares?

"It's okay, Ben. As long as we stay together, we'll be okay."

"I promise we're going to be okay, whatever it takes, I'll keep you safe."

I promised.

I swore on my life that I'd do whatever I could to keep him safe, so that he could live!

And now I watch him helplessly fall, eyes wide with terror and screaming for his life, hands scrambling for a purchase he no longer has, into the fog below. To my horror, two pterodactyls fly after him, disappearing where he'd just fallen.

Now he's gone.

And I'm alone.

I feel tears mercilessly stream from my eyes like roaring waterfalls, my hands still reached out uselessly from holding on to Ben. Darius kneeled beside me, just as shocked and filled with depressed horror. This also seemed to finally wake the others from whatever trance they had been in, and Kon sumps to the ground next to Bumpy and me.

He could've helped.

They could've helped!

Bumpy roars down at the foggy tree line, while I just watch it all pass by. My brother's terrified face will never leave my mind now, and it was only worse that I knew why it was so frightened.

It was a few moments, before Yasmina finally spoke up.

"He's gone. He's...gone."

"I won't believe it!" Sammy cried. Yasmina pulled her back when she tried running towards the edge, tears of her own flooding onto the floor. "No!"

How dare she! I think bitterly. My eyes narrow and my fists, the ones that had slipped from Ben's grip and had released him, clench on the ground. How dare she cry when she didn't just lose her brother? She just stayed back and watched while he fell into the abyss, those bastard birds flying after him! They all did, aside from Darius!

They shouldn't be crying over someone they let just die. They can't!

And yes, even though I was his twin sister and should be feeling similar to Sammy — denial and guilt-ridden inacceptance — I just couldn't. All I could see in my mind was those disgusting creatures flying after him, mouths wide and feet open to catch their prey.

He couldn't be...we couldn't go back for him, because he was gone. Shredded. Dead.

And it was all our fault.

My shoulders shook and the tears continued. I folded my arms together and let myself sob; sob for the fact that Ben was gone, and there was no changing it.

"We're going back."

I look over at Darius with foggy eyes. What?

"The monorail's going back!"

As soon as he says it, the monorail screeches as it takes a sharp turn, making all of us jolt and roll on the floor.

"What do you mean 'going back'?" Brooklyn asks. Out of all of us, she seems the less heartbroken over Ben, which only makes my anger towards everyone grow worse.

"When we switched tracks, we ended up on one heading North." He explained, before running to the front of the train. He experimented with a few buttons and levers, none of them doing anything.

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