Ch. 13: Last Day Of Camp

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It's been a little over an hour or two since we got away from the mosasaurus, and we decided we needed a break to recover from the events of the whole day. It's sunset now, the light fading into a deep orange that reflects off the Jurassic World Lagoon, creating a beautiful scenery that holds dangerous and dark things. I know that now, after all I've experienced.

This park, this...this island, it's not to be misjudged as something beautiful. It's something that uses the light to hide the darkness, until the moment comes to reveal it's true self. maybe these past few days have made me a bit poetic too.'s all true!

And I'll probably never see the world the same after me and Ben get home.

Speaking of, my twin brother is currently sitting beside me holding a sleepy Bumpy in his lap, who's cooing against my chest. I smile and run a hand down her neck.

"Um, hey, can I talk to you?"

I look up to see Brooklyn shifting awkwardly in front of us. I nod and pat the spot on my other side, allowing her to sit to my right.

"What's up?" I ask, a bit to casually for someone who, all day, has been evading dinosaurs while forcing herself through the pain of an injured spine and rib cage.

She purses her lips, and look down to where Sammy is attempting to talk to Yaz. The girl's ankle is no doubt broken, or at the very least, sprained, but all tries and attempts to let us help have failed, so we just let her do her own thing. She's mostly been sitting on the bottom row of benches, rubbing her swollen ankle and pretending like she was just fine.

Sammy takes a seat next to the girl, before Yasmina immediately jumps to her feet with a small wince of pain. She says something to the Texan that clearly hurts, before hobbling away to sit somewhere else. Sammy is left alone with her head sagging towards her lap.

I feel my stomach twist in sadness as the sight, thinking back on the once happy look on both of their faces when either looked at the other.

"Well, I never got to really ask...why aren't you angry at Sammy? You took her side and defended her, even after what she did to hurt the park. I don't get it."

I look over at Ben, who shrugs at me.

I turn back to Brooklyn, who's waiting patiently for my answer, but also uneasily.

"I guess I just, uh, think that her motives were in the right place." I say. "She just wanted to protect her family, and she never meant for anyone to get hurt."

"Hurt? Never meant for anyone to get hurt? Look around us! Look at Yasmina! People are hurt!"

"But even without Sammy here, what would be happening? The Indominous escaping wasn't her fault, and Yasmina getting hurt wasn't either." Ben argued from beside me. Bumpy chirped.

Brooklyn paused and reconsidered her argument. In the meantime, I tried to come up with good reasoning myself.

"What would you do if your family, or anyone you loved, was in trouble and their futures depended on whether you were willing to work for some jerk-ish company? If the people you cared for had to rely on your choices?"

Brooklyn opened her mouth, then shut it, then opened it again, before shutting it once more. She turned away from me and folded her arms in her lap; I felt slightly concerned by the fact that it looked like her fingers were about to tear through her jacket sleeves, but kept quiet.

"I guess you're right. I mean, I'd do anything for my parents and my brother. Even if it meant..." she trailed off and sighed, before finally standing up with a suddenly look of determination on her face.

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