01 | The Search

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The search for Messiah has been tedious

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The search for Messiah has been tedious. Whenever we would come up with a lead, it would always be a flop. We had most of our allies on the lookout. We weren't sure if he was still in America or if they were somewhere around the world in hiding.

My family has rallied around me and has tried to distract me as best as they can, but Messiah is constantly on my mind. I miss him too much.

Xavier King has been living with us since he's been disowned by his own family. Those who were loyal to him have been working with our men. He has been working with Giovanni to try and find any information they can on his father, Rowan King. We need to find something that will draw him out.

Alec Petrov has kept in contact since he left for Russia. He always reminds me that Messiah is out there somewhere and that he's safe and we'll find him soon. He and his father have been helping, and they've been using their sources to try and find any lead they can.

Andrè Pierre is still living with us; he finally got the balls to ask Nate to be official. I couldn't be happier for my best friend, and they're too cute.

Both of them have been working with our men and training with them, Nate doesn't need it, but he wants to support his boyfriend. Andrè's father has kept in contact with him and has offered his help in locating Messiah as well.

My family in Italy wanted to fly out right away and stay with us, but I told them to stay where they were, where they were safe. I promised to keep them updated, always video calling them at least once daily.

My uncle Alejandro has been doing what he can from Spain; they have their people out on the search for any leads, also. He wanted to fly back and see me, but I told him to stay there until we found something concrete, although I miss them all dearly.

My grandfather Stefano has been talking to some of his old friends since he was Don, and they all know our situation. When they found out about Galen Andino's involvement, they didn't hesitate to help.

Galen has a 'We Hate Galen' club, he's fucked over too many people, and they hate him for it. That's why we have so much support in finding and ending him. I'm not going to complain; I'll take as much help as possible.

My father, Lorenzo, and my oldest brother Luciano has been living at our warehouse. They've been working with our men regarding training and tracking information, and yet they still have to run a mafia at the same time.

I haven't seen much of them lately. It doesn't bother me much, but Levi is starting to miss his father. It kills my father to leave every morning, but he's determined to find Galen and Rowan.

Felix has been stuck to me like glue. He never lets me out of his sight now. Scared, I'll go running off and do something stupid or scared that I'll be taken away. I know for a fact he misses his best friend. He and I have grown so much closer. He's been helping me deal with my inner demons as best as he can.

My brothers Dom and Rome have been distracting themselves from it all and have been taking on missions constantly, trying to help out Luc with the mafia business.

My older siblings Vince and Nic have been constantly in and out of the house, traveling to and from the warehouse, doing what they can to help with the mafia and training.

We've all been so busy working on trying to find Messiah and run the mafia that we haven't been able to sit together and take a breather. I haven't been able to spend much time with anyone, it hurts me that we're growing a bit distant, but it's only because we want to get Messiah back and end Rowan and Galen's life so we can all live in peace.


It's been three weeks since Messiah was kidnapped. I'm currently lying in bed sorting through some files. Xavier and Gio have asked me to take a look at a folder that has some people who they assume are working with Galen, and they wanted to know if I recognize any of them.

There are a few people I've recognized and noted, reminding myself to let them know when I see them next to the people I believe to be working with him. So far, I feel useless, like I should be out there and searching for him, but I know it's too dangerous.

My phone dings indicating a text message. Pulling it out of my pocket and checking it, I frown when I see it's a text from Felix. Opening the message, it says he wants me to meet him in the library. Huffing in my spot since I'm comfortable, I sluggishly get up and leave my room.

Entering the library, I see my two little favorite humans laughing with Felix, warming my heart. I lean against the door and observe them together. Gianni and Levi haven't stopped bringing Messiah up — talking about how much they miss him.

It's been mine and Felix's job to keep them occupied and safe, something I'm happy to be doing as it serves as a distraction. I glance around the room and notice that art supplies are lying around. Walking into the room, I clear my throat catching Felix's attention.

He smiles when he sees me before signing to Gianni, who turns around and has the biggest grin on his face, Levi doing the same. Both little boys motion for me to sit next to them. I walk over and kiss both their foreheads before sitting down.

Glancing up at Felix, he hands me a paintbrush with a soft smile. I thank him and grab a canvas on the side and start painting, the bristles stroking the canvas — colors coming to life.

I was glancing at Gianni's and Levi's work now and then, chuckling at their masterpieces. It's always peaceful with these three. It's just what I need. As we sit here painting, no words are spoken. We all concentrate on our artwork.

I'm so focused that I don't realize someone is behind me until Felix nudges my canvas. My eyes shift to his, and he nods behind me. Turning a little, Xavier stands there looking exhausted, but his face softens when our eyes connect.

"Valentina —" he pauses, looking at the ground before his gaze returns to mine, "there's a mercenary out there hunting and taking people out, we believe it's Messiah, and he's working for Galen."

My heart stops, and my breathing grows heavy. There is no way he would never willingly work for that monster.

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