19 | Bang! Bang! Bang!

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A loud commotion catches everyone's attention and we all head in the direction of shouting, entering the foyer Val and her men are standing there surrounding someone who looks beaten half to death

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A loud commotion catches everyone's attention and we all head in the direction of shouting, entering the foyer Val and her men are standing there surrounding someone who looks beaten half to death.

"What the fuck?" Luc booms.

Val's head whips in Luc's direction and she freezes before a huge grin takes form but it doesn't look like a happy grin it looks pure evil this must be the mole.

"Take him to the basement, I'm going to have some fun!" She exclaims, clapping her hands excitedly.

She moves past us all towards the dining area, I make a quick decision and follow her since she's the only person I feel comfortable with around here apart from Nate. I walk in and find her raiding the bar and grabbing some shot glasses, she grabs everything humming to herself.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my eyes never leaving her.

"Hmm, oh we're celebrating Xav! Finally, Mez can come home once Dimitri gets in contact with them of course. Shit, which reminds me — DIMITRI!" She yells.

"Yes, Valentina." A voice pipes up out of nowhere, I nearly shit myself.

"Let Mez know I found the mole please." She smiles before walking past us.

Sighing, I run a hand through my hair. I can't help but be a bit worried because of the way she's acting. I mean I get it, she should be celebrating but I don't know — the war isn't over yet.

Quickly catching up to her, we head down to the basement where her men are. They're busy tying him up whilst preparing some torture weapons by the looks. Val grabs a chair and sets it up at the table, she then makes her way over to the sound system and connects her phone to the Bluetooth.

Making her way back to the chair she sits and starts pouring shots, "boys, come celebrate with me." She cheers, downing her shot before the others follow suit.

"Xav grab a seat and join us," she says pouring more shots and handing me one, I hesitantly down it.

She sighs, "tsk tsk Alexander, did you think you'd get away with threatening Messiah with my life? No one fucks with me and what's mine."

Chills run down my spine, I peer at Alexander who is glaring at Val but she just looks super fucking happy. She pours more shots, vodka is not my drink I rather tequila but I guess this will do.

"Too bad for poor little Alexander, you chose the wrong side of this war, and now unfortunately you won't get to see me end this war once I'm done with Galen," she chuckles, before downing another shot.

"I should have just fucking killed you when I had the chance, Galen is a fucking idiot for not letting me. Asshole thinks his son will walk in a straight line along with him, he doesn't see that Messiah is pussy whipped." Alexander spits with pure venom.

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