36 | Rowan King

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I have gone over this plan a million times, it's nothing too difficult

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I have gone over this plan a million times, it's nothing too difficult. I just have to take out my father's men and then corner him in his safe house and get the answers we need.

I was trained for this as a mercenary, this shouldn't be too hard and I'm guessing that's why Valentina sent me on her own and I guess it's a test to see how far I'll go to get those answers.

Honestly, I have no love for this man, he's not my father anymore and he hasn't been for a long time. I will do anything to get these answers, Valentina is my family now and her family is my family. Well, hopefully, they will see me that way.

I'm suited up and ready to enter the safe house, I have to take out the guards that are outside first with my sniper. Hiding on the roof across from the building, I gaze through my scope and take count of the men lining the property.

Six men, I've got this.

Exhaling, I squeeze the trigger taking out the six men, my shots echoing out around the area. I quickly dismantle my sniper and bag it, slinging over my shoulder.

Quickly making my way down from the roof, jogging down the fire escape I make it out onto the street and look both ways before bolting over to the building.

Walking past the dead men, I hear shouts coming from inside, making me grin. Let the hunt begin, asshole.

Opening the door I peer inside and find it empty, silently walking in and looking around my surroundings. It's quiet now, no one making a sound.

My heart starts to beat faster from the adrenaline, my hands start to sweat. The anticipation kills me, I can't wait for this to be over with my father.

Pulling out my gun, I release the safety and start to make my way through the building. We studied the blueprints of this building before I left, there's no exit except one, the one I just walked through.

There's no way out for them unless they kill me first, it's like trapping a small animal. I'm the predator and they're all my prey.

Two men walk down the hallway oblivious to me, aiming my gun I take two quick shots and they drop dead with a heavy thud.

More shouts echo through the building, my grin widening. Three more men walk around the corner, I take them out just as easily.

Fucking idiots, walking right into my sight. I keep my pace up, walking the route I've memorized. I make it around the corner and there are two men with their arms raised in the air.

They're standing in front of a door, that's where my father is hiding. I keep my aim on them but hesitate since they've got their arms up in surrender.

"He's not fucking worth dying for, we surrender. You can have him, I have a family to think of." One of the men says, walking towards me at a snail's pace.

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