30 | Selfish

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"Val told me," Mez says next to me, as he helps me pack my bags and weapons

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"Val told me," Mez says next to me, as he helps me pack my bags and weapons. I know Val would tell him about my family, I wanted to tell him but we've all just been so busy preparing for pretty much war at this point.

"Yeah, she found the killers." I sigh, sitting on the end of the bed. I feel my chest tighten just thinking back to the night, the night when my life changed forever.

I don't even know the reason why they were murdered, it mustn't have been good if it involved a man like Carter Lopez. I will get to the bottom of this though, I will not let him get away with this.

"She's going to help you, you know. I wouldn't stress about it too much." Mez sighs, lifting a duffel bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"I know," I reply, standing up and grabbing another duffel bag and doing the same, "you're talking a lot more around me brother, it's good to hear you." I smile.

He chuckles, opening the door for us, "I'm still getting used to it, I only talk around Val, Levi, Milos, and yourself — so don't feel too special, brother."

"Speaking of brother, how is it knowing you have one now? A half one but a relative no doubt." I ask, following behind him as he leads the way downstairs to meet everyone in the lobby.

He glances at me over his shoulder, "fine, I mean I wouldn't say we'll be braiding each other's hair or telling each other about our crushes anytime soon but he's an alright guy I suppose." He shrugs.

We arrive at the lobby and everyone seems to be already packed with their things, Carlos found us a safe place to live thankfully. It was getting a bit stuffy with all of us sharing rooms.

I watch as all the mafia leaders are talking to their respective people, laying out information on who's going with who and where we will be staying. Talking through safety measures and protocols in case something were to happen, Mez and I have already been debriefed with the rest of the security but we had to pack our bags.

The French and the Russians move out together taking a larger vehicle accompanied by some of their well-trusted men and some of the Italian guards.

I watch Val's uncle Alejandro lead his family out as well, they're taking a lot of vehicles considering how big their family is.

Luciano, Stefano, and Lorenzo are talking to their family members as well and they too start to leave together.

"I will never get used to how big this family truly is." A deep voice says behind me, I turn around and Xavier is standing there with a suitcase next to him. He shakes his head before leaving the lobby not far behind the Italians.

"Have you seen Val?" I ask, looking at Mez who's frowning at Xavier's retreating.

He startles and clears his throat, "yeah, she and Nate went ahead of everyone since they wanted to double-check the dragon's den before we all arrived. You know she's anal about all that, not that I blame her."

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