33 | Willow

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Nate and I are waiting in the basement for Valentina to get here with Willow, I'm not entirely sure how she's going to manage to persuade Willow to come down here but we'll see

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Nate and I are waiting in the basement for Valentina to get here with Willow, I'm not entirely sure how she's going to manage to persuade Willow to come down here but we'll see.

"Who do you reckon the dad is?" Nate asks, sitting in a chair.

"No clue, to be honest, I thought it was Luc's so that should say something." I shrug.

The basement door opens, Felix and Mez enter the room carrying an unconscious Willow in their arms. They gently place her in a chair and begin to tie her up, testing the ropes before standing away.

Val walks in with a blank mask, she takes everyone in before walking towards Willow who is still unconscious.

"3..2..1.." Val whispers, and on cue Willow groans, her head rolling side to side. Her eyelids flutter before her eyes comically widen in surprise, her gaze flits around the room and lands back on Val who has a cruel smirk.

"Willow, I'm so disappointed. I was rooting for you, out of the girls I've met in my brothers' life since being back I thought you were cool. Unfortunately, you're a cunt." Val spits, venom laced in every word.

"Excuse me? What fuck are you talking about? Why am I tied up right now? When Luc finds out about this, he'll never forgive you for tying up the mother of his child." She hisses through gritted teeth.

Val lets out a loud laugh, startling everyone in the room, "we hacked your phone dumbass, the jig is up. That baby in your belly isn't my brothers it's someone else's. Whose is it Willow? Is it Hayden Lopez's baby? Or is it his daddy's baby?" She chuckles.

Willow tenses in her chair, sucking in a breath. Val widens her eyes in mock surprise, feigning shock, "no way, which one? Or was it both? Nah couldn't be both, I've dated Hayden and he never liked to share. Which then doesn't make sense that the baby is his because he wouldn't let you parade around here with another man, he's too possessive. Which leaves Carter Lopez the Mexican King Pin himself."

"You know nothing." She spits.

"It's Carter's baby isn't it, it has to be. Why send you in with the wolves with his baby though?" Val pretends to be thinking before she abruptly snaps her fingers, "oooh I know, because you're a liability and so is that baby in your belly. He doesn't love you Willow, he loves power and money. You're expendable, he already has a perfect life, the perfect family and where does that leave you? You were just a side piece."

"You're wrong! He loves me, he said he's getting a divorce!" She screams, tears rolling down her face.

Carter Lopez will never love anyone but himself, wealth and power. His family means nothing to him, just a means to an end.

"You're an idiot if you honestly believe that hun, he's a liar. Unfortunately for you, he's sent you here to spy on my family under the pretense that he loves you. He knew you would get found out eventually and we'd have to deal with you."

"No." She whispers, her eyes downcast.

"Yes, you know what we do to spies?" I ask, kneeling so we're at eye level.

"Kill them." She breathes, her shoulder dropping in defeat.

"Fortunately for you though I don't kill babies, I would never do anything like that besides your much as the victim here as well. Just too stupid and naive to realize the truth, here's what going to happen" Val says, standing up before continuing, "I'm going to untie you, we're going to all go upstairs and see Luc and you're going to tell him the truth, he will be very angry and very stabby but don't worry I'll protect you."

"What do you mean to protect me? Why?" Willow looks up, hope in her eyes shining through her orbs.

"Once we've told him, I'm sending you away and you are going to never come back and you're going to have nothing to with my family or the Lopez's. If you know what's good for you, start over, find someone new, and don't fuck this up. Raise your child and be a good mother." Val reminds her.

Willow nods, Val unties her before standing back and gesturing Willow to the stairs and the rest of us follow her once she starts moving.

If I was Willow right now I'd be shit scared having to tell Luc the truth, he's a scary guy.

Willow knocks on the office door and someone yells come in, she hesitates looking back at us than letting out a breath and opening the door. She walks in, the rest of us follow suit.

Luc, Vince, and Nic are in here along with their father and grandfather, looks like they were laughing at something before we interrupted.

Luc smiles at Willow before it suddenly drops from his face, from seeing the sadness on hers, "Willow baby, what's wrong love?"

He stands up from his desk and walks around to stand in front of her, he cups her cheek but she flinches and steps back avoiding his eyes.


"Let us all sit down brother and someone pours me a drink, we're going to need it," Val says, taking a seat on a sofa where her grandfather is sitting.

"What's going on?" Luc asks, looking between his girlfriend and baby sister, confused.

"Luc could you maybe um sit down?" Willow asks, shakily.

He hesitates before looking at Val who subtly nods her head and that gets him moving, once he's seated everyone in the room then shifts their gazes to Willow.

Her whole body slumps in defeat, fear, and hopelessness written all over her face and she considers how to approach this.

She got herself in this mess, she can surely get herself out. I have no sympathy for her, I'm surprised Val does though.

But then again Valentina Rossi always has had a heart of gold.

But then again Valentina Rossi always has had a heart of gold

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