45 | Bohdi

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Just as Xavier and I drive through the gates and park our car, we get swarmed by all my brothers and Mez, who are glaring at us from their spots

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Just as Xavier and I drive through the gates and park our car, we get swarmed by all my brothers and Mez, who are glaring at us from their spots. Do I feel guilty for leaving and not telling them? No. Am I worried about what they're going to say? No. I get it, I should have said something, but at least I didn't go alone, so they should be happy about that.

"And where the hell were you two?" Dom demands, scowling at us with his arms crossed.

"On a stakeout," I wink since I like to play with danger and rile my brothers up.

He bristles before opening his mouth again, most likely to spew venom, but Luc cuts him off, "and you didn't think to mention this to anyone?"

Shrugging, I walk past them all, Xav on my heel, "you're right, I probably should have, but I wasn't alone, so that counts for something, right?"

"No, Val, it doesn't. You two could have been in danger, and none of us would have known. What then?" Luc pushes.

He makes a good point. Maybe I did fuck up.

"Okay, I understand. Next time I'll let someone know where I'm going and who I'm with, I promise."

"Good, we were only worried about you," Luc says, slinging an arm around my shoulder as we walk into the living area. Our father and grandfather are talking with our uncles.

Chatter instantly halts, and they all glare at me. I hold my hands up in surrender, "I know, I know. I'm sorry. I will let someone know next time."

"You better," dad warns before his face softens a little.

"So, who were you watching, and what did you find?" Rome asks, sitting on the couch.

Sitting next to dad, I tuck my legs and lean on him before replying, "we were watching some of Carter's men at one of their drug hideouts. We followed them."

"And?" Rome further questions.

"It's not good. They got stopped by the FBI," I breathe out, watching everyone's faces.

"The FBI? We haven't heard any chatter of them going after the cartel. Are you sure it was the FBI?" Luc frowns.

"I'm sure."

"Shit, what do we do now? We can't have the FBI on any of our backs; you know, being criminals and all," Gio questions.

"Don't sweat it bro. I have a contact I can get in touch with and see what the news is. I just wanted to let you all know what we found, and I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." I stand up and leave; glancing behind me, I see Mez stand and follow.


"You know someone in the FBI?" Mez asks with a raised brow.

"Sort of," I vaguely answer.

Grabbing out my phone, I dial the number I haven't dialed in a long time, the call connects, and someone answers it.

Valentina ↠ Italics | Bodhi ↠ Bold

"Hello?" A deep voice answers, sending shivers down my spine.

Mez looks at me in question when he can hear a distinctly male voice.

"I'm calling about my dinner reservation under Italian Devil," I answer, and Mez frowns at me.

"Give me one second," the voice says before I hear some rustling in the background and shuffling noise, "okay, it's safe to talk now, Diavola?"

"It's me Bodhi. I need some information."

"Obviously, or you wouldn't have called. What do you need?"

"Carter Lopez, are you building a case against him?" I get straight to the point; no point pussy footing around.

"I can't talk about that, even if I wanted to," he sighs; now it's my turn to frown.

"Uh, yes, you can. Tell me what you know. I need as much information as possible." I demand.

He groans through the line, "you're lucky I owe you, and I could seriously go to jail for this but not over the phone. Okay, meet me for dinner, and I'll tell you what I know."

I blink once, then blink again, hesitating. The thing is, I haven't seen Bodhi in a very long time, and the last time I have seen him, I may or may not have slept with him, so this is going to be very awkward.

Mez sees me hesitate and signs, 'I'll go with you.'

I groan, "fine, text me the details, and I'll meet you there, and heads up, I won't be alone."

"Sure, see you soon." He hangs up the phone, and I throw mine onto the bed and fall back onto it and starfish.

Mez looks down at him hovering, "history?"

"Yes, I didn't think he'd want to meet in person. It was a long time ago, and it was nothing serious, I promise." I explain, closing my eyes.

"I'm not worried, love; you're mine."

My eyes snap open, and he grins at me before his head dips down, and he bruises my mouth with a beautiful kiss that leaves me breathless.

"This guy is an FBI agent?" Mez asks, lying beside me.

"He got caught by the FBI hacking and stealing money from the filthy rich and giving it to those who need it. He also hacked into the pentagon and one point as well. Instead of sending him to jail, he now works for them."

"I thought that only happens in television shows," Mez laughs.

"No. He was eighteen when they arrested him. I met him on the dark net before then and hired him for a few hack jobs that were out of my league."

"And how old is this guy now?" He continues with his questioning while running his fingers through my hair.

"He's twenty now. It was two years ago when we got together. I was sixteen, and he was eighteen. It was consensual, I swear," I explain, finally opening my eyes and looking at him to find any judgment.

He only smiles at me, "I'm just making sure it's not an older man and that he didn't take advantage of you."

I laugh, "old man like you? You mean."

He chuckles, "hilarious, Amore; we should probably let everyone know what's happening and get ready to meet Bodhi."


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